love is like a cloud

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Kira Hitomi is as free as a bird, so much so is that she spends most of her time daydreaming about being able to fly, up above the clouds, no one can tell her what to do. Little did she know her life was about to change drastically.

(3rd person p.o.v)
Kira was daydreaming on the rooftop of her family's barn, almost falling asleep while doing so. She longed to be able to fly, to be able to use her ancestors' magic

Kira came from a long line of wingeds, a small group of people who could sprout wings of blue fire and fly long distances.

Kira was a young girl, around the age of sixteen, with long black hair and a blazing blue streak, she wad an average hight, with an average mind, the only thing extremely different about her is the fact that she is, one, decended from wingeds, and two, she has the attributes of a wolf, she has an extremely fluffy white tail, and white wolf ears, she also has paws and fangs.

It was getting dark when kira finally decided to come down of the barn roof, she climbed down the latter and jumped off the last few rungs, she started walking to see her horse, Skylar, when she was stopped by her big brother, Seth.

"kira, where were you? I've been looking for you all day!" Her brother has always been overprotective of Kira, making sure she was never bullied because of the was she looked, but in reality, everyone was scared of Kira, they all thought she would go rabid and try to kill them all, her family was never scared of her and she loved them for it, but she would like to make some friends her age.

"I was on the barn as usual, I'm up there so much. I'm surprised you don't just check there first." Kira loved her big brother, but sometimes he would be a bit clueless

"I'm just glad you're okay." Seth hugged his little sister tightly

"Seth, let me go!" She pushed her brother off her and giggled."You're too overprotective sometimes!"

"Sor-" he was cut off by a loud crash coming from the barn. "What was that?"

"I don't know, but we should go check it out!" Kira loved adventure. She would explore anything no matter how dangerous her brother says it is

"But what if it's dangerous, Kira I don't want you getting hurt" being the overprotective brother he is, Seth tried to stop Kira, but she was already running tword the barn, leaving paw prints in the dirt

"Come on, Seth!" She called back in her big brother."Don't be a baby!" At that, Seth had no choice but to follow his little wolf-like sister

They open the Door to the barn to find a dragon-like boy about the age of Kira, he had blonde hair with a blood red streak, he was all battered up and bruised, looking like he just got out of a fight with a bear and just escaped with his life

"Oh my goodness! He's hurt! We have to help!" Kira rushed to his side and started looking over his wounds."He looks like he'll be fine. he just needs some rest. "

"Kira, don't touch him. He might be dangerous." Seth stayed by the door of the barn, still a little frightened of the new discovery

"Oh shut up, Seth, he's unconscious, plus he's like me, but a dragon,  isn't that cool!?" Kira was still mesmerized by the find, not taking her icy blue eyes of the boys face

He started to stir, and she blushed, seeing him move. She didn't know why her cheeks felt warmer than usual, but she did know she didn't want to leave this boys side

His eyes fluttered open, and he shot up, wincing from the pain in his injuries. He noticed Kira and looked directly into her icy blue eyes with his blood red ones

"A-are you alright?" Kira was genuinely worried for his safety, and she didn't know why. She had never met this boy, yet she couldn't bear to leave his side

"Who are you?" The boy asked with genuine curiosity

"My name is Kira, and that's my big brother, Seth" she never took her eyes off his and just pointed to the door, or more rather to Seth who was still standing by the door "may I ask what your name is?"

"Oh my name is Kumo"he looked directly into her eyes, not able to look away, where he came from he had heard of soulmates but he had never experienced looking into someone's eyes and not being able to look away

"Nice... to meet... you...Kumo" she never once looked away from his eyes,he never looked away from hers, mesmerized by each other's beauty

He noticed her tail twitching and wagging, and her ears perked up. She smiled, showing her pearly white fangs, and he blushed slightly, seeing her smile, smiling back

"You're a half human, like me," he pointed out her ears and tail. "Your fur is beautiful."

"Th-thanks, I like your horns and claws," his dragon attributes were, a scaly tail, claws, horns, and wings that she hadn't seen yet

She reached out, grabbed his claw, and slowly pulled him up

When he was standing, he stretched out his wings, and her jaw dropped. "woah! You have wings!"

He itched the back of his neck, looking embarrassed. "Yeah, I have wings..."

She grabbed his hand and dragged him outside the barn. "Come on! I'll show you around the farm!"

He blushed when she grabbed his hand but followed her quickly, not complaining, just wanting to be next to her at all times

Just than he remembered one of the abilities of the oh so romantic species half-human, called red sight, it allows you to see the red string of fate intertwining all beings, at his level he can only see his and his soulmates string, but eventually he will be able too see everyone's fate string

He activated red sight and looked down at his finger, on the hand that wasn't intertwined with Kira's hand. Sure enough, there was a red string loosely tied around his finger

The string then connected Kira and Kumo's hands

His blood red eyes went wide... Kira was his soulmate, his lover, his new everything

He stopped in his tracks, a surprised look in his eyes, Kira looked back at him, a little confused as to why he stopped

"Why did you stop?" She looked at him inquisitivly."Are you ok?"

He mumbled something "... soulmates..."

"What? I didn't hear you. " she looked at his hypnotizing blood red eyes

He said it louder, "Soulmates, we are soulmates." he sounded dumbfounded

Her ears pin back surprised. "Is that why I couldn't look away from your eyes?"

"I couldn't look away from your eyes either. They are mesmerizing." he looked back up to her eyes as they sparkled with affection

She blushed profusely at the compliment, "Your eyes are also beautiful."

He blushed and took her paw in his claw. He pulled her closer to him and hugged her, spreading his wings and wrapping them around her

She returned the hug and smiled, pulled away and stood back, his claws still in her paws, she closed her eyes and suddenly there was a loud cracking sound, gaint wings of blue fire danced behind her, she fluttered them and started hovering slightly, pulling on his claws, he spread his scaly wings and flapped them silently, hovering up in front of her

They flew higher and higher, up and above the fluffy white clouds, hand in hand, smiling as they flew together

Kumo pulled Kira close and held her tight, Kira held him with the same strength, "Let's stay in the clouds... Forever."

She nodded and hugged him tightly again

Authors note:ok, that was weird... let me know if you liked it! all the characters are my own OCs, so plz don't reuse them. I hope you liked my story, and there will possibly be more

P.S. I wrote this story on an airplane to California, I got the inspiration when I saw the sunrise over the clouds

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