"Meeting him"

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Amber was walking towards her school ground while headphone on her Ears feeling the cool breeze hitting her face ....

Amber:haaa I lovee this feeling 

(She took a deep breath as she came across the flower which her science teacher planted somewhere near the ground)

(She went and sat on a bench and took her lunch bag and opened the tiffin box making a smile form on her lips)

Amber: ohhh a note for me ?? interesting . ....

(She chuckled looking at the small letter which was kept around the tiffin box)

In that note:{The incredibley beautiful person,The best I know it all about is kindness...love you honey , study hard my little hamster...}

(A bright happy smile formed on her lips ) I love you too..

(she mumbled and took a bite of her food)

Mmmhm...so good

( she was enjoying her meal suddenly someone kicked her Tiffin making her gron in frustration)

Yaaa!!!!! Watch were you going (she turned and looked at the person which made her confused )

{He was unfamiliar person to her}

?: Ohhh sorry! I apologise....my bad ..YoUhh aRe sO tinY that I don't notice that you were here 

(He giggled making her piss off)

What did you say huh??!! 

(He replied which made her more piss off)

Ohhh I said that you are so small just like a ant  

(he winked at her )

By the way miss I'm your new classmate (he offered for a shake hand)

Amber: As you are a new admission you might don't know the rules of this school... whatever,I'm Amber

 (she Shaked hands with him)

(He raised one eyebrows) why am I getting kindaaaa bad girl vibessss from youu- hhh

(She scoffed)

Your really soo annoying
(she broke the shake hand and grabbed her Tiffin box and was about to leave ,when he pulled  her wrist making her stop on her track )hey hey I am new student here so please be kind and take me with you ... stil am not that much familiar with this place soo ? ....

(Amber yanked his hands)Fin-EE

Which stream are you obtained

He replied: Science

( Amber got even more annoyed when she got to know that this guy is in her class)

(She rolled her eyes and started walking)

(While He was following her like a lost puppy)

What are you looking at uhhhh?!!

(He replied while looking at her so confidently) Something very beautiful and adorable...

(he chuckled)

(She was surprised by his words)

Ahhh... annoying (she mumbled to herself)sooo what's ur name

Him:You can call me honey!....

Amber:Why would some one name you as honey! Your not that sweet..I prefer calling you a Raccoon,No-Nooo Even raccoon have a high standard Not like you..

(she rolled her eyes )

:Heyyyy don't try to act like your goddess of savageNess

:You look like a lizard do you know that ?....

(he said while taking his steps closer to her )

Ohhhh Mr raccoon stay away from me and this is our class room

(she pointed towards their class room )

(He raised one of his eyebrows in confusion) Our class?!What do you mean by "Our ??....hey heyyy don't tell me your my classmate....

"Yes Mr raccoon you guessed right" ( she replied)

(He was happy and excited deep inside his heart was beating faster for her,as he started to follow her)

(He was happy and excited deep inside his heart was beating faster for her,as he started to follow her)

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