Reunited at Sunset - A Serendipitous Encounter with Young Love"

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Chris was running behind Amber)Rosie~stopp! 

(She turned while Chris was breathing heavily while trying to stop her)

Amber:what did you call me now??! Huh

 (he chuckled)seems like you forgotten me rosen Sebastian ( she went near him and grabbed his collar)who are you ,

Chill chill 

(he took off her hands from his collar)

what kind of reaction is this ...I thought u Loved calling you as rosie...(he started taking steps closer to her making her nervous)


Me??!!..(he grinned mischievously)I'm your can you forget your childhood friend rosieeeee~

Christy?? (A tear escaped from her eyes,she forced a smile through her sadness)

(He nodded as yes making her fear run through her spin) Why -why??

(She started running away from him which made him sad, this reaction of hers was stabbing his heart deeply)

Why are you hurting me this my love?

I promise you I will never ever come infront of you thankyou for the sweet memories....I will cherish each and every moments with you ....

so this gonna be our last summer together (he smiled in pain)

(he looked up to control his tears from falling)

(He wipped the tears from his cheeks and started walking off)

(She stopped running and sat on a bench near the park while she was crying miserably)Why?! did you come back....

(She covered her face with her palms while thinking about her past)

I don't wanna remember anything,I hate it ,I hate you,I hate the memories I have with you.....

It's horrible* she uttered*
why did he have to show up again? *She cried*I can't stand the thought of him. Every memory with him just brings pain. I wish I could erase it all.


Amber clenches her fists, frustration evident on her face. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She paces back and forth in her room, her mind racing with conflicting emotions.

: How could he do this to me? After all the hurt he caused, he thinks he can just waltz back into my life? No way. I won't let him have that power over me anymore.

She grabs a photo of them together from her phone case her hands trembling. With a mix of anger and sadness, she tears it into pieces, *as she cried her lungs out of frustration and sadness*

(She covered her face with her palms while thinking about her past)


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