"The painful GOOD-BYE "[ Final part]

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( she was crying miserably while thinking about her past)
Why?! did you come back....


Rosieeee can we go and play over there....

(The 12 year old boy pointed over a graden)

Rosie: Nooo I'm not coming there.. mummy will get angry if I go there and you know there is a ghost....!!

(The 11 year old was very serious about what she was saying)

Christy:oh your such a baby!

(he laughed out loud as he found her words very funny)

Yaaa!!..(she hitted his arms as she got annoyed)I'm not a baby I'm 11 year old girl...

Haha yeh still I'm one year older than you dummy ...such a baby dummy...

(he said and started running while the little girl was trying to catch him)

Agggghhhh~ (the both stopped running and stood there frozen)

rosiee is that your friend Mr ghost's scream?!...

Rosie:H-huh?! I don't think soo ...

Christy:Wait are you serious aish look u r sweating so badly....

(he kept his palm on his face making a done face )but still we Heard someone's scream...ohh let's check that noise is coming from there

 (he pointed over the garden which have been restricted from both of their parents to visit,he started running towards the abandoned garden)

Rosie:waittt...I'm coming....

(The scene made him shock he closed his mouth in shock with his plam

while Rosie was running towards him and she was  confused why he was looking soo worried 

She looked at the same direction where he was looking at)


(she screamed her lungs out)she started running towards her mother who was getting stabbed by Christy's dad while Rosie's dad is laying on the ground soaked on blood)

Christy:Rosieee stop right there...

Heyy young lady

 (some one snapped her shoulder 's making her disturbed from her thoughts and come back to reality)

?: this was given by a young guy 

(...that old granny handed her a note)

Rosie..I'm sorry...I still don't know why you left me either what was my mistake...but I want you to know I missed you so much when I saw you after a long time I become soo happy and i wanna tell you that how much I love you.....sorry for everything behalf of my cruel father who took away ur childhood.....we met each other at a summer vacation and" this gonna be our last summer Together"... 

As Christie's heart ached with longing,  his voice trembling with emotion. "I never thought love could be so beautiful and painful at the same time. But I wouldn't trade a single moment of this journey with you, even if it means saying goodbye."

my love... Until we meet again, may our love guide us through the unknown."


"Goodbye ,My Love".....

[The End]

[The End]

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