(2) rosie

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Waking up felt weird. Not because I was sick but because I somehow managed to land in hell, attempt murder and got married to the man I was about to murder in less than 24 hours ago.

I'm also in his bed. How that happened is a different story,


"If I'm your wife, does that mean you expect us to have kids?" The first thing I asked right after our agreement

"Haha, no, dear god." He laughed before sitting me down on his bed."Sinners can't have kids,"

"So sinner can't die but also can't have kids," I stated to myself before looking at the large stab wound I inflicted. "Do sinner recover from fatal stab wounds?"

His gaze followed mine. "I will be alright, darling. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,"

I still feel bad for stabbing him
"I want to at least stich you up, I caused this, and I will fix it." I felt my ear flick before Alastor agreed to my proposal.


Alastor said he'll answer my question today, but he's not in bed anymore.

I crawled out of bed and took another glance at my reflection in the mirror.'It will take a while to get used to this new form'

I guess I was lucky I still look somewhat human, "Hold up- why do my eyes keep changing colours"

I vividly remember them being black and yellow yesterday night. Now they are black and red.

'I'll add it to my pile of questions'
I walked out to the corridor on the search for my husband. 'It feels weird calling him my husband'

My cheeks heat up as I make my way to the kitchen. "Good morning, darling," he turned his head from the stove and gretted me with a grin. "I hope you're hungry,"

I sat down at the dining table and nodded. 'Wow, did I marry a male housewife?' My cheeks were probably glowing.

"I've been wondering, is it normal for sinners' eyes to change?"
He set the table and placed my breakfast in front of me. "So early and already so eager,"

I flattend my ears "sorry"
He sat down across me and chuckled. "It's quite alright. Your eyes change because of our deal,"

I took a bite out of the French toast he made, and it was delicious, but let's not get sidetracked. "What does our deal have to do with my eyes?"

"When a sinner is owned by someone, the sclera can turn grey, and if you own a soul, your pupils can turn red" he explained "since we have a binding deal you partially owne my soul and in return I owne yours, but you could also just phrase is it as us being engaged or married"

"So it's strictly business?" I glanced at him before he averted his eyes."If you are insinuating that this is a loveless marriage, then no, it's not"

I choked on my food before he slid over a glass of water "soooo....what is this extermination that you mentioned yesterday?"

"Once a year, angels come down to exterminate sinner such as us to create room for more," so those were really angels that I saw. "As you know, we sinners can't die, but more people come to hell every day, so the only way for us to not get more overpopulation is by extermination."

That sounds horrible. I got really lucky yesterday

"Isn't there any other way? A more human way? I thought angels were supposed to be good. " I shake my head."Don't wreck your brain about it, dear. Most sinners are nothing but low life scum and have their reasons to be here"

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