(5) early stages

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I've been living with Alastor for a week now, and it's still quite nerve-wracking.

I still don't have the do's and don'ts figured out

beside that peck on the cheek. we haven't really done anything else,

I didn't want to ask too many questions, and my anxiety is on high alert all the time even tho I know Alastor can't and won't harm me.

Old habits die hard even when you die,

"Nghhh. C-come on, " I mumbled under my breath. A single card was placed on the coffee table

"Moooove," I bit my lip while holding my fingers to my head,

"Oh wait, it mov- that was just the wind...Fuck," I sat down and slamed my head on the table

"What exactly is it you are trying to do?" I heard Alastor peek over my shoulder

"Ah! Alastor, " I jumped up."Sorry, um, I was trying to move this card, but without using my hands,"

Trying to figure out my powers was hard being binded to Alastor, making it even harder.

Not in a literal sense it made it emotionally harder for me.

"Every time I feel a surge of emotions, my magic goes crazy but when I try to manually do it," my shoulders drop, and I hug myself."I-it never works,..."

'What if he realises I'm useless and gets rid of me or worse divorce me?'

"It takes time. Don't be bummed out about it," he rested his arm around my shoulder before waving his ohter arm in the air."You are like a white canvas waiting to be painted!"

"But to paint an empty canvas with paint, you need a painter..." I glanced up at him cheeks glowing and head hung low

I don't jump anymore whenever Alastor raises his hand, he thought it was odd that I flinched by every fast move he'd make.

"What if I'm not strong after all?"
My hands clench onto the fabric of my sweater

"Are you implying that I was wrong?" He stood in front of me and gently grabbed my face. "...no"

I sniffed, and then I heard the card flicker. "i-ill go close the window."

After closing the window, she picked up the card and stared at it

'Stupid cards....' I collect the deck and handed it to Alastor

"Why don't you give it one more try, dear?" He fanned the cards out before giving me the heart ace card."Try something simple."

I sighed as I held the card by its corner before slowly opening my pawl to try and make it float

"I don't think this is working -" I mumbled "patience dear"
He smirked

And as he said, the card was slowly standing in my palm by itself. "Huh! Alastor, are you seeing this? " My eyes wident before a big smile formed on my lips

"I...I did it!" I mumbled."I did it!"


In actuality, she didn't do anything, but seeing her smile so brightly about something so simple made Alastors shrivelled and cold heart skip a beat

"Now that you know it works, I'm sure if you practice long enough, you'll become a strong and feared overlord in no time." He patted her on the head as she shyly smiled from the affection

Sometimes gwenevieve purrs, and it's something the cat demon can't control.

'She'll get there in no time'

Mr and Mrs Altruist |Alastor Where stories live. Discover now