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"You were out there cheating on me while I was busy trying hard to make our lives better" Candy yelled at her fiance, Mark as he drives them home.

"Can you just keep shut Candy. For Gawd sake this is not something new. You wanna tell me you don't cheat too?" Mark ask and Candy breath out in disbelief.

Even after her father disapproval Candy stick with her lover Mark giving up her dreams and family just to be with him. Only to find him cheating on her in a hotel room where her friend work in.

"I would never cheat on you. I can't believe you think cheating on me is normal. After all the things I've done? I gave up almost everything for you even after my father's death. Is this how you repay me?" Candy's voice croaked as her eyes brimmed with tears.

"I don't wanna hear this bullshit no more. Do you think I'm glad you abandoned your rich family? We just keep on struggling because of your decision!"

"I did it because they don't want us together. I did it because I love you Mark!" Candy's voice croaked.

"That's just a crazy excuse. If it wasn't that your bitch ass friend. I would have been in comfort.. Fuck!" Mark held the stirring wheel hard as he clinched his jaw.

Candy's heart shattered into piece as she heard the unbelievable words coming out from his mouth.

"Do I really deserve this? Did you forget I'm pregnant for you?" She began to sob.

"You know what, let's break up. You are always the type that complains a lot. When I met you at first, you were a bad ass bitch and now look at you, you're like an old hag" Mark said cruly not giving her a face.

"Don't you think I knew you went to your Ex house last week huh? And then you lied you went there for some fucking business" Mark asked looking at her. "Why are you acting all innocent?! You're an whore..."

At this moment, Mark's words were reaching the peak of Candy's anger.

"You heard me, you're a fucking w..."

Mark couldn't finishing his word as Candy screamed and hit his head hard on the stirring wheel. The car moved to the other lane. Raising his head up, Mark eyes widened at the upcoming fast truck coming their way.

Candy's heart skipped a beat. Mark tried to dodge the truck but unfortunately for them, it was too late. The truck hit the car and it tumbled several times with many of its part flying out. The car stopped upside down.

"Hello this is 911 what's your emergency?" A voice sounded through the speaker.

"Hello... Help.. I just got into a fatal.. accident and.. I don't think my husband is breathing anymore.. please.. he..lp..."

Candy's whole body was shivering as her phone dropped to the floor. The seat belt was the only thing holding her. She could feel the intense pain coming from her abdomen, she was bleeding.

Her eyes were on Mark who wasn't moving at all. The truck had hit his side taking his life in the process. Did she just killed him? Blood were dripping down to her head and her sight was getting blur.

She could hear the people murmuring and sound of sirens outside. The car door was forced open and the rescuers grab her from behind. An oxygen mask was placed on her face as they put her on the stretcher.

Candy saw the men taking Mark out too, but slowly drift into darkness.

"He died Immediately after the accident ma'am. I'm sorry for the lose of your husband and also the baby" The nurse said to Candy whose expression was blank as she stared into space.

MARRIED TO Àn Unknown ManWhere stories live. Discover now