Chapter 32

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Danny and Abigail stopped their conversation when Trevor walked into the library. From the sympathetic look that Abigail was giving him he could tell that he had been the topic of their discussion.

He felt a twinge of discomfort as he said. "I guess you know what my family did to me." A awkward look crossed his face as he spoke.

"Yes." Abigail said with tears in her eyes. She got up as she said "I'm so sorry that you went through all that." She walked over to him and gave him a hug. "And I'm happy that you are with us now."

Why he questioned. Why are you happy that I am here with you now? Why are people who have only known me for a couple days more happy to have me around me around than my family who have known  me entire life.

Are they for real? Do they really care about me or is it an act?  They all so seem so nice but are they really?

"Are you okay."

"Yes." Trevor said tormented with doubts and guilt for doubting them. "I'm happy that I am here too." He said with a slight smile.

Which was not a lie. He was happy to be here, away from his mom, stepdad and Victor. But at the sametime he was terrified..

Abigail hugged him again. "You're going to be okay little brother." She whispered in his ear.

"Let's sit down." Abigail said and guided him to the couch where Wesley was sitting.

The two sat down as Jonathan walked into the library. His eyes met with Abigail's and a mischievous grin crossed hos face.  One that caused his sister to frown in response.

"Where's dad?" Abigail asked.

"Outside watching my mom's car drive away." Jonathan answered. "He should be along in a few moments." He walked over to a small table where sat a plate of small cakes. He placed one on a smaller plate and sat in a chair.  Once again a puckish look crossed his face.

What is he up? Trevor thought.

"Trevor if you were sensing any awkward tension between Ian and Abigail earlier  its because our sister and my brother had a rather short lived and disappointing love affair " Jonathan told him much to Abigail's disdain. "They both claim that it did not work out because the other was shallow and completely self absorbed." He then grinned mischievously. "They are both abaolouetly right but neither of them will admit that."

"Must you be always be such an brat Jonathan." Abigail said with a withering look

"I don't have to be but I do so enjoy it." Jonathan said. He then took a bite of his cake.

"You're such a jerk." Abigail said in annoyance which only filled him with delight.

This is not a side of Jonathan I like Trevor thought.

Before anymore could be said between the siblings Jimmy returned with Trevor's tea.

"Here you are Master Trevor." Jimmy held the cup of tea to him.

"Thank you, Mister Jimmy." He then took a sip of tea.

"Would anyone care for a cake?" Jimmy asked and then noticed that Jonathan had already helped himself.

"No, thank you." Abigail said.

"I would." Danny said. "And another cup of coffee."

"Of course Master Danny." Jimmy said taking the cup from him.

"This is so weird." Trevor accidentally said outloud and all eyes turned to him. "Sorry." He found himself squirming in his seat wishing he had kept his mouth shut. "Its just I'm not use to having so many people waiting on me hand and foot." He told them. "It makes me feel like royalty."

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