Chapter 55

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Danny's mother and stepdad were currently on their way to Acapulco on his stepfather's yacht The Princess. Fortunately he was able to get in contact with them by satellite phone. Which in a way was unfortunate because that meant that he could not put off calling his mother.

He had walked to the drawing room where he could make the call private. He sat at the desk for a few moments staring at the phone quite apprehensive about making the call.

After all his true parentage was not a question she too enthusiastic to have answered. And she was not going to be thrilled with him going behind her back to find out.

Especially considering that once Obadiah learns the truth he will probably  sue her to be reimbursed the child support he had paid over the past eighteen years which would be over two million dollars.

And his last year of college.

Danny was tempted to get up and tell Roger that he tried but he could not get answer. But he knew Roger would just call himself and he would find himself in hot water with not one but both his parents.

I better just bite the bullet and get this over with he though. He then began dialing the number hoping that he would not be able to get through or that they stopped at some port to go shopping.

The phone rang three times and a thick New York accent belonging to their chief steward answered the phone. "Princess Yacht Tony speaking."

"Hi Tony this is Danny."

"Hello Danny." Danny said.

"Hello Danny." The steward said. "Did you want me to get your mom."

"Yes, please."


Danny could he the reciever being set down and the sound of Tony's footsteps walking away.

Maybe she will be too busy sunbathing to talk to me.

He then heard a set of softer footsteps making their way to the phone. "Danny." His mother said. "Is everything okay?" Her voice was fraught with concern and worry. "You didn't get yourself in trouble again dif you."

"No, mom." But I'm about to be.

"That's a relief." She said. "I was worried that your brother spanked you again."

"My father." Danny said.


"My father spanked me."

"Your father?" She said utterly confused. "I thought Roger spanked you."

"He did."

"Then why did you say your father spanked you?"

"Because he did."

"What are you talking about?"

It took every ounce of courage he could muster to say it.

"Roger Wilson is my father mom." He announced to her to dismay.
Roderick Smith the former butler to Elliot and Vera Wilson placed his final  suitcase in the trunk of his car. He closed the trunk and then looked at the house where had served the Wilson family for the last fifteen years.

And twelve years at Roger's estate before that.

Sadness went through him as he thought how he could not believe it was over. One chapter over and a new one to begin.

A car pulled up next to him and he turned to see the person getting out. "George." He said with surprise in his voice.

"Hello Roderick."

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