Chapter 37

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7:00 am

"I can't get Master Trevor to wake up." Jacob said to Roger as they walked down the hall. "Each time I try to rouse him out of bed he just mumbles five more minutes and rolls on his side." They stopped at the door and looked inside. Trevor was laying on his back while Athos laid curled up next to him. "Nor even Athos licking him in face can get him to wake up."

"Do you think he is okay?" Jacob said a little worried.

"I'm sure he's fine." Roger said. "He had a busy day so yesterday so he is probably just exhausted. " That on top of the emotional rollercoaster he's been on for the last several days probably took a lot out of him.  "Let's just let him sleep."

Roger closed the door.

"Check in on him in an hour or so to make sure he is okay." Roger said.

"I will sir." Jacob said.

"I better downstairs before my breakfast gets cold." Roger said.

"Actually there is one other thing." Roger said hesitantly.

"What?" The younger man shifted his feet as an uncomfortable look crossed his face. "What Jacob?"

"Look I don't want to get anyone into any trouble."

"But you are going to have to."

Then then heard a loud thud come from Trevor's room which was followed by the sound of something running across the floor. Roger opened the door letting Athos out and looked at the still sleeping Trevor who was undisturbed by the fifty pound dog bounding across the room.

He is really out of it Roger thought and closed the door.

"You were saying."

"I was speaking with Rudolph earlier." Ruldolph was in charge of the care and maintenance of Roger's many cars. "He said when he came in this morning he found the keys to your brother's car laying on the ground beside it."

"Really now."

"Yes." Jacob handed the set of keys to Roger. "And when he looked inside his car he found the front seat and the dashboard covered in vomit."

Roger's began to grit his teeth. "Really now."

"Yes." Jacob said. "He checked the garage's cameras and saw Master Danny leaving after twelve and returning shortly before six."

"And where is Master Danny right now?" Roger said fuming.

"He's in his room." Jacob said.

"Thank you." Roger turned on heels and walked down the hall clenching and unleashing his fists.

Danny had just finished empty what little contents were left his stomach when Roger walked into the room. He reached for the toilet handle with shaking hand slowly pulling it down flushing the toilet.  He then slowly got to his feet and walked over to the sink where he washed out his mouth.  In the middle of wiping his face he was caught in the middle of dry heaves which almost sent him to the floor but he was able to grab the counter and hang on for dear life.

This brings back memories Roger thought as he watched the spectacle before him. Ones I would rather not entertain.

Danny then turned to see his brother.  "Morning." Danny said as he walked out of the bathroom holding his belly.

"Morning." His eyes followed his brother as he walked to his bed collapsed on it. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." He lied. He was not fine. His stomach hurt, his skin was clammy and his head was splitting with pain.  "I think I just got food poisoning."

"Food poisoning?" Roger questioned.

"Yeah." Danny said. "I must have had a bad clam at lunch yesterday."

"A bad clam?"

"Yeah." Danny said wishing his brother would go away and leave him to stew in his misery in peace.

"Bad clam my foot." Roger said raising his voice causing Danny to wince in response. "You went to that party didn't you."

"No, I didn't."

"Daniel Zane don't you dare lie to me." Roger said forcefully. "You went to that party didn't you."

Danny sighed heavily. "Yes, I went to the party." He pulled the covers over his head only for Roger to pull them off of him. "Sit up young man."

A scowling Danny than sat up.

"I can't believe you Danny." Roger said. "I explicity told you not to go that party and you defied me." Roger's face burned with anger as he spoke.

"Roger..." Daniel was cut off as he bent over and vomited on the floor. Roger quickly jumped back as Daniel fell to his knees as he was caught in a series of dry heaves.

Roger hit the intercom and said "Jacob I need you in Danny's room."

"Be right there."

Danny let out a moan as he laid on the floor.

Roger let out a breath and knelt by his brother. He rubbed his head as he said "You're going to be okay buddy."

Jacob soon walked in and Roger stood as he said "Get him cleaned up for me." He looked at Danny who was now sitting on the floor. "We will talk later."

"I'm sure we will." He said weakly as Roger walked out clutching Danny's keys in his hand.

12:00 pm

Danny was laying on the couch in the game room wrapped in a blanket when Roger walked in.  A half empty of glass ginger ale and a barely touched bowl of soup sat on the on the table.

"How are you feeling?" Roger asked. He turned off the television.

"Like I got hit by a truck." Danny said as he sat up.

"I'm sure you do." Roger said with disappointment emanating from him. "We are leaving for Yellowstone."

"Have fun." Danny said.

"The maids got your room cleaned up." Roger said. "You are to spend the rest of the day in your room until we get back."


"We are going to Elliot's for dinner  and we will talk when we get home later tonight." Danny did not reply. "Go to your room."

Danny got up and said "Can we just consider my being sick as a dog and confined to room all day as my punishment."

"For underage drinking and sneaking out to a party yes." Roger gave him a severe look. "But for driving drunk not a chance." Danny looked away. "Your punishment for that is going to be a little more severe." He then pointed at the door. "Now go."

Danny did not say anything he just walked past his brother and out the door.

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