Running Time - Part 1

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After shweta's truth comes out dhara enter inside the Pandya house but Raavi refuse saying that there is no reason for her to enter pandya niwas where there is no trust and respect in her relationship with her husband and mother in law.

When Shiva ask her to come back she refused saying that he never trusted her and will never trust her.

Shiva - Raavi I know I did mistake but whatever I had done because of whatever misunderstanding happened between us, Raavi you also lied to me,

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Shiva - Raavi I know I did mistake but whatever I had done because of whatever misunderstanding happened between us, Raavi you also lied to me,

Raavi (hurt) - I never lied to you shiva all I did was not telling you about my problems, even if I had told you what must have changed shiva, nothing you blamed me for lying, you said you hate lier like you never lied right, I hide about my problem because your dhara bhabhi said how I even supposed to know that my husband will gonna character accuse me shiva, only if I know about it I had never went to surgery, I would've happily died at once because of pain rather then dying every single day in the pain of your mistrust and that wrost blame that one I can't even think in my worst dreams.

Shiva's heart pained at the mention of death.

Shiva (in a guilty wishper) - Raavi I am sorry, let's go home now please

Raavi - No Shiva, I won't come to that house because that was never my home never, my so called husband always blamed me more than time's about my character, about murder and god knows what else than why would I go back to that house of his....  Shiva it's not the first time you accused me for my character but it's the fourth time I guess, now I am not willing to listen your accutions again and again... I am leaving, I would better die

Saying so she start leaving, an uncertain fear suddenly take place in shiva's heart, his heart filled with fear out of sudden.

Raavi was walking backward staring at shiva when suddenly she got hitted with something and get thrown in the air.

"Raaaaviiii" he shout and run to her, taking her on his arms he start running in the road to reach hospital as soon as possible. He was crying bitterly in pain as if it was he who was injured.

S - Raavi raavi don't worry, nothing will happen to you nothing I will not let anything happen to you

R - I .. don't.... want... to live....  shiva....   .let me die let me die

She lost her consciousness in his arms.

Three hours, it's been three hours that raavi was inside the operation threter.

Doctor was performing her surgery and Shiva was sitting outside holding her belongings near his heart, he wasn't crying but just staring at the OT numbly.

S/m - I know she loves me, she will come back to me, yes she will come to me, she have to come back to me

His mind was repeating it but his heart was almost dead he was chanting something worst.

S/h - I can feel the pain, a different kind of stinging pain like I am dying slowly, I fear she is leaving me this time, she is leaving me leaving me, stop her she is leaving stop her
...................She left.

Just then the OT light went off.
OT door open and doctor come out with a defected expression.

D - Doctor what happened?

Dhara who was also there asked to doctor. She had come behind Shiva in the name of helping him to mend everything, had show everything happened and followed him to hospital, she tried to talk to shiva but he was sitting numbly, he is sitting numbly as if he knew the answer and wasn't able to listen it that's why avoiding it.

Doctor (with bend head) - We are sorry, we tried but....

Dhara cried but shiva was still sitting numbly. She hug shiva who doesn't rescipocate at all.

D - Shiva say something don't sit like this Shiva.

No response.

Raavi's body was taken to house. Everything (last rituals things) done.

Shiva never spoke anything or cried.
He gave shweta's voice recording to police as proof against her. She get arrested for providing wrong medicine to raavi and for framing raavi.

He then all of a sudden distanced himself from everyone, he was only living on the memory of his raavi and her love for him. His heart and soul was dead along with raavi, only his body was alive, he was living his life alone as if it was his punishment.

Five years later.
Shiva was sitting on the floor on his room clutching raavi's photo near his heart.

S - happy birthday chipkali.

He said and cried. For the first time in last five years, he cried today.

He remembered how at morning suman tried to convince him for second marriage, he hadn't talked to anyone in this five years and was just doing his works but today suman crossed her limit and accused his dead raavi for snatching her son away. He get angry he feel emotion rising on his heart after whole five years which he had made of stone after her death. He shout on everyone that if once again they talk about marriage they will find his body that to fully burned and left.

For the first time he cried like it's his last time.

Crying for hours he slept there in floor itself unknowingly.


"Slap" a slap sound ecod on the center of pandya niwas, feeling a string pain on his cheek, he jerk open his eyes in a shock and pain, as he look up, he found her staring him with hurt, pain and disgust. He get shocked, surprised at that moment.

He stare her shocked and suddenly a smile broke on his lips. He was about to hug her but before that she hold his collar tightly and shout.

"How dare you shiva, how dare you to blame me for sleeping with Arnav how dare you"

He get confused and look around, he realizes that he was standing there in the middle of pandya niwas, and she was standing infront of him alive all alive in that blue hospital gown clutching her stomach crying bitterly on pain, pain of his accutions.

And the question's his mind asked him was "Am I dreaming" "Or was that a dream" "Is she alive, is really my raavi is alive and here infront of me alive"

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And the question's his mind asked him was "Am I dreaming" "Or was that a dream" "Is she alive, is really my raavi is alive and here infront of me alive"


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