7 - Plans

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I kept thinking about the conversation with my paranormal visitors long after I had left the library and couldn't help being reminded of it Saturday morning, when Conny arrived. After mulling things over too many times, I knew it was unwise to get involved. Besides, why were both Luca and Cat so keen on this idea?

Before we closed at noon, Conny called Marjorie. The surgery had gone well, and she was upbeat. My colleague finished the call with a smile.

"I'll see if I can pay her a visit Sunday afternoon. She will be keen to hear how we manage, that we didn't get robbed and aren't totally lost without her."

I zipped my jacket and picked up my backpack. "Give her my best wishes for a quick recovery."

"Thanks, I will." She shouldered her bag. "Will see you Monday—have a pleasant weekend, Lynn."

I did, but the time passed in a blur of cleaning my apartment and visiting my father. When I returned to the library Monday, I did with the resolution I wouldn't let myself be pressured to meddle in Conny's affairs by Cat, who had a dubious reputation in literature at best, and the mysterious Luca. For all I knew, he could be a psychopath or something worse.

As usual, destiny had her own agenda.

Paco arrived at two in the afternoon, wearing his trademark jeans, navy shirt and beatific smile. "Hey, Lynn, how are you holding up?"

I felt my cheeks get warm and tried to hide my embarrassment about the reaction behind a businesslike expression. "I'm fine, thanks, getting used to the routine."

"Any trouble with that lamp again?"

Taken by surprise by his question, I tried to remember. "I don't think so—not that I can recall."

"Great, then we might have solved at least this problem."

I had my suspicions that the cause for the flickering light wasn't the electrical installation, but didn't want to get into a discussion about ghosts or visitors from the multiverse. "Yes. Shall I fetch Conny for the meeting?"

Without waiting for his confirmation, I opened the office door. "Hey, Paco is here about the exhibition. Would you mind joining us for a moment?"

"On my way." She saved her file and picked up Marjorie's planner. Holding the meeting at the reception desk would allow me to cater to customers at the same time if the need arose. Fortunately, there weren't many around.

Conny gave Paco a nod but didn't return his warm smile. Amber had been right. Either she kept him at a distance, or she was immune to his captivating aura.

"Right, let me see what needs doing, Mister Martinez." She placed the planner on the desk, opened it, and ran a finger down the checklist done in Marjorie's neat handwriting. "We should be set on the front of publicity, I think. According to Marjorie's notes, she already updated the homepage, mailed the invitations and announced the event to the relevant journalists."

Paco ran a hand through his unruly curls and studied the planner. "She doesn't trust computers, does she? Well, I already got contacted by two journalists and gave them interviews and a sample of my work. They promised to publish on opening day."

Great, at least I wouldn't have to worry about public relations on top of potential matchmaking. It seemed like a real challenge to melt the icy shell Conny hid behind—but I didn't want to get involved anyway, right? Better to concentrate on my job. "Please forgive my ignorance, but what do we need to organise? Hanging up the pictures and making canapés for the apéritif?"

"More or less." Conny leaned back in her chair. "Although we work with a caterer. And someone will have to introduce the artist and hold the opening speech. That's definitely not one of my talents and was always Marjorie's part."

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