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This is based off of what happened to me this morning

3rd person POV

Jake was an extremely organized person but sometimes in the mornings he would try to do chores and it would all go down hill from there.
Thank goodness for Johnnie helping him through the rough times he was going through.

Today Jake woke up with his boyfriend next to him. It started off fine. Johnnie woke up. They had breakfast together. It was a nice day. After breakfast Jake started emptying the dishwasher. He then started to get uncomfortable. He was cold so he put a hoodie on then put the hood up. Then his hair started to get in the way. He tried and tried to make it comfortable so he wasn't itching at his skin a lot. It didn't work. His hood kept falling down. Water from the dishes splashed on him. He started to cry. He just took a couple deep breaths and got on with the day. While he was walking to him and Johnnie's shared bedroom, he kept on dropping things. It made his so frustrated and angry that he couldn't fix it. When he sat down in his office chair to do some work, his chair kept lowering and he couldn't fix it he started to cry again. He sat there crying holding his face in his hand as he couldn't hold it in anymore. Johnnie soon walked in.

"Hey hey what's wrong?"

" I feel like I can't do anything right. I can't get comfortable and I keep dropping things and I don't know what to do."

Johnnie knew what was happening. He was having a meltdown.

"Can I touch you?" Johnnie said not wanting to upset the boy any more. Jake nodded and Johnnie grabbed Jake's hands and put them on his heart so he could feel his lovers heartbeat.

"Ok just follow my breathing" Johnnie said as Jake nodded. They both took deep breaths until Jake's breathing was back to normal.

"You feel better hun?"johnnie said as Jake nodded

"I love you baby" Jake said as he hugged his boyfriend

"I love you too" Johnnie said back meaning every word of it. They kissed eachother then went on with their everyday lives both greatful to have the other in their lives.

386 words

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