Anxiety II

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There are actually many types of anxiety..

There is what you call General Anxiety Disorder (G.A.D) is an anxiety or worry that is not specific to one thing but can be about anything and everything

Next is Social Anxiety Disorder  involves a fear of being in public situations where you think people will judge you once you do something embarrassing or humiliating

Then of course the most common is Panic Attack  which is a sudden overwhelming feeling of uneasiness, fear or terror, where it feels like you're having a heart attack, go mad or die.

Another is Agoraphobia which is about being in situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing if you have a panic attack.

 And then there's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is thoughts which you can't get rid of, and compulsive acts you feel you must do to make things OK and to calm your anxiety, like checking things or counting things.

And lastly there is what you call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) is an anxiety disorder triggered by a major traumatic event, such as being, being attacked or in an accident, or things like sexual assault. It involves upsetting memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and difficulties sleeping.

So those above are the kinds of anxiety that other people are actually having at the moment mostly everyone has the Social Anxiety Disorder specially when performing or speaking in front of people because they're scared that they'll make a mistake and people who's watching them will feel like the laughing stock of everyone after the mistake.

My advice of those who has S.A.D or Agoraphobia is to not mind other people's judgement, their thoughts about you shouldn't make you any less of a person, I know its hard to not care about what other people say about you but don't forget that people make mistakes and that mistake will make you realize that you can do more beautiful things in life.

And I guess this is the end of my Anxiety chapter, I hope I helped and I hope that you do realize that i'm here if you need someone to talk to. Have an amazing day everyone :-)

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