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Beatrice Green, or Bea, is the second oldest Green daughter. She is twenty-four, making her just over a year younger than Rachel.

Despite them being a year apart, Rachel and Bea have been in the same grade since they were little. Bea has always been way smarter than everyone in her grade, causing her to move up one in elementary school.

This made Rachel and Bea closer, them even being in the same friend groups. But Rachel has always been the pretty Green, where Bea has always been the smart Green. Rachel would always be at parties, or out on dates with the hottest boys in the whole school. While Bea would be at home doing homework or studying for her classes.

Bea graduated top of their class, and got into a great college where she studied to be a teacher. Where Rachel graduated nowhere near the top of their class, and got into a not so great college. But Rachel didn't care, she just wanted to sleep with guys and go to parties.

Rachel and Bea kept in touch throughout college, seeing each other rarely on weekends and on holidays. Despite them going to different schools, Rachel and Bea were still the closest Green sisters, and nothing would change that.

They acted basically the same as they did in highschool: Bea focused on her studies, Rachel sleeping with enough guys for the both of them.

Bea loved doing her work, don't get her wrong. But a little attention from a guy she liked everyone once in a while would be nice, if she ever even did have feelings for any guy she met. She didn't put a lot of effort into the way she looked, until a little bit after college. So she wasn't that pretty to guys she met in college or high school.

Rachel was always pretty, she knew how to do her makeup perfectly and what clothes to wear. Bea didn't keep up with the latest trends, so she didn't know what guys liked. She was still dressing like it was 1970, and wearing little to no makeup.

Bea always had a book in her hands, Rachel a magazine. Little did the sisters know, they had their future careers right in their palms.

Rachel slept around her first couple years of college, until she was introduced to Barry. Her soon to be husband. Where Bea was falling asleep with literature in her hands in college, and high school.

The Greens might have two completely different life styles, but they're great together. As soon as Rachel and Barry got engaged, the first person she told was Bea. As soon as she told her, the next words out of her mouth were 'Will you be my Maid of Honor?'


I know this is short, but it's just an introduction to the character. I hope you find her interesting, and if there is anything you think I should add please let me know!

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