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"Oh my God!" Rachel is looking through some of her wedding gifts, "Bea come look at this gravy boat!"

Bea walks over to Rachel taking a look at the item she's holding, "Rach, it looks like any other gravy boat i've seen."

"Yes I know, but look at it. Something about this gravy boat is tu-" Rachel cut off before she could finish her sentence.

"Are you seriously getting turned on by an inanimate object?" Bea was now concerned.

"I mean... Kind of, yeah." Rachel answered honestly, "Oh my God, I'm more turned on by this gravy boat than I from Barry."

"Rachel you're talking crazy now." Bea stared at her sister wondering what's going on in her head.

"BARRY LOOKS LIKE MR. POTATO HEAD!" Rachel said a lot louder than she should have.

"SHHH! His family is going to hear you!" Bea shushed Rachel.

"Bea, I need to get out of here." Rachel looked around for an escape, seeing the bathroom had a window in it. She started for it.

"Rachel wait!" Bea chased after her sister, "What're you going to tell mom and dad?"

"I'll think of something, Monica lives in the city. I'll go find her, but I want you to come with me." Rachel pleaded with Bea, knowing she'll break.

"Fine, let me help you out the window." Bea gave Rachel a little push out the window, following right behind her.

The two eldest Green daughters, have now fled the wedding. Everyone confused when the Maid of Honor or Bride not walking down the aisle, them not even being in the building.

"Rach do you even know where Monica lives?" Bea asked Rachel, getting in her car.

"Yes, I visited her not that long ago. Only like a couple years ago." Rachel mumbled the last bit.

"If we can't find her and have to come home, you're taking the blame." Bea told Rachel sternly, she hated being in trouble.

"Fine, but we'll find her." Rachel was convinced.

Rachel and Bea enter the city, making their way to where Monica's last known apartment was.

"Are you sure she still lives here?" Bea asked Rachel, after they knocked on 'Monica's Apartment' door and got no answer.

"Yes, she never told me she moved." Rachel crossed her arms.

A man with a big hammer walks by the girls, which were now slumped down on the ground in the hallway.

"You ladies alright?" He asked the two sisters sat on the ground.

"Yeah we're alright, just my dimwitted sister decided it would be a good idea to run away from her wedding." Bea answered the man who was looking at them concerned.

"Shut up Bea! Does Monica Geller still live here?" She asked the man.

"Yeah, she's probably at the coffee house downstairs if she's not here." He told them, now walking away.

"Thank you so much!" The girls yelled in unison, down the hall where the man just walked to.

Bea left Rachel in the dust, and zoomed into Central Perk way before her. No one really looked at her, she was in an ordinary dress. Yes a little wet, but it was raining so no one took a double look. She had to use the bathroom, so booked it in there not even taking a glance around for Monica. Rachel stumbling in a couple seconds after the girl.

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