Chapter One

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Grace Mikaelson couldn't believe this was happening. She hadnt expected it to happen so soon. She knew one day it would happen, especially with her families enemies, she just didn't think it would happen so soon. She was only eight, for goodness sake. Grace looked over at her twin sister Hope. Hope sat in the corner, tears streaming down her face. Neither girl had expected to be attacked this late at night, but they were. A vampire had shown up in the twins bedroom in New Orleans. Grace, having been closer to the entrance used, her magic to hurt the vampire. She hadnt meant to kill him. It was an accident. However, accidents triggered it too. Triggered what you might ask? Her werewolf side. You see the twins were tribrids, part vampire, part witch, and part werewolf. They always had access to their witch side. Their vampire side would activate upon their death. Their werewolf side, it activated when they killed someone, whether intentional or not. Grace took a deep breath and walked over to her twin.
"Hope. I have to go now. I'll be back soon okay?" Hope looked up at her twin and nodded.
"Be safe Gracie. Always and Forever?" Grace smiled.
"Always and forever Hope." Grace kissed her sister on the forehead, grabbed her emergency bag and snuck out the window. She knew that a werewolfs natural enemy was vampires and she didn't want to hurt her family, a majority of which were vampires. So she snuck off towards the Bayou, the home of the werewolves. She'd be safe there. She had never been in the city at night alone. There was usually always someone with her. She didn't think about that though. She had an hour before the sunset and she wanted to make it to the Bayou before the full moon rose. Grace never stopped running. It was dark when the eight year old made it to the Bayou. She could feel the pull of the moon. She fell to the ground in pain as her bones began to break. She took her bag off and threw it to the side. It had a change of clothes in it. Grace was scared but she knew what to do. She had heard her parents talking about the transformation. Grace knew it would be painful but she also knew not to fight it. Fighting it makes it worse. She bit back a scream. As the moon reached its highest point, in place of an eight year old girl stood a beautiful orange and white wolf.

Hope Mikaelson sat in her bedroom. It had been a few hours since Grace left. Hope knew her sister was alone, scared and most of all in pain. So, Hope did the only thing she thought she could do. Hope quietly made her way downstairs. The whole Abbitoir was brightly lit as usually her family stayed awake during the night. Hope tiptoed to one of the study's. It was the one furthest away. Hope looked around for a moment before knocking on the door.
"Come in," she heard a voice say. Hope quickly opened the door and made her way inside. As the door closed, Marcel glanced up from the desk. He was suprised to see Hope. She was supposed to be asleep and she rarely went anywhere without Grace.
"Hope? Is everything alright?" Hope looked up at Marcel. It took one look before Hope burst into tears. Marcel stood up and rushed over to his adoptive sister. He kneeled infront of the girl, wrapping her in a hug.
"What's wrong?" Hope sniffled.
"Someone broke into our room. Gracie she... she attacked him. She didn't mean to kill him but she did... she's a wolf now."
Marcel pulled away, looking at the girl n shock.
"Are you okay? Where's Grace?" Hope wiped away a few tears.
"Im fine. Gracie... went to the Bayou. She didn't want to hurt anyone." Marcel again was shocked and angry. Grace left to protect people who could care less about her. The Mikaelson family, while they did love Grace, they often neglected her. He had noticed the obvious favoritism for Hope and how neglectful they were of the younger twin. Marcel stood up, taking the girl into his arms. He left his study and carried Hope to her room. He moved the covers and laid Hope down. Marcel covered her up and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"I'll find Grace. Get some sleep." Hope nodded and closed her eyes. She knew that Marcel would find Grace no matter how long it took. Marcel turned off her light and made his was downstairs. He pulled his phone from his pocket and called his vampires. He had them search the streets and Marcel made his way to the Bayou.

Grace woke up to the sun shinning down on her. She was dirty. Sticks and leaves littered her hair. Some fell onto her stomach as she sat up. She dusted them off and gently stood up. She was a bit wobbly as she had spent a while in wolf form. She didn't know how long she had been out there but she knew it had been at least two days. She made her way over to her bag. She quickly changed and slowly made her way back home. It took her about two hours to get back home. She enjoyed the walk through the city. New Orleans was a beautiful city and she loved the atmosphere. Grace could feel the magic that flowed through the city. Her family had made New Orleans what it was and she was proud. She was about two blocks from her house when a person stopped in front of her. Grace looked up and smiled. Standing infront of her was her adoptive brother Marcel. Marcel looked relieved to see her. He scooped the girl into his arms, wrapping her in a hug. Grace hugged Marcel back.
"Gracie. Thank God. Hope told me what happened. Are you okay?" Grace didn't say anything. She snuggled into his neck, pulling him closer. Marcel smiled sadly and held the girl tighter. He began walking the girl back home. He smiled once more when he heard small snores from the girl. She had fallen asleep. He knew she must have been exhausted. Marcel had spent three days looking for the girl. He had been in the woods searching for her but couldn't find her. Luckily one of his vampires had told him when Grace had gotten back into town. He was going to take her home but at the last moment decided against it. She had just had a horrible experience and needed someone to take care of her. She wouldn't get that at home so Marcel took her to his place. Once he got home, Marcel laid the sleeping child on the couch. Grace shifted further into the couch. Marcel smiled and went to grab a blanket for her. As he covered her up, his phone rang. He quickly answered it, not wanting it to wake up the girl.
"Marcel. Did you find her?" Marcel smiled as the voice of Camille O'Connell. There were very few adults that truly loved Grace and Camille was one of them. Camille had noticed the little girls absence and had called Marcel and the only other adult that loved Grace. His name was Vincent Griffith. Marcel told them everything. While Marcel searched the woods, Camille went to police stations, fire departments and hospitals. Vincent used every spell he could think of to find the spell. Both girls had been cloaked by their aunts and Vincent couldnt break through.
"Yes I did. Shes at my house. She's been through alot and needs someone that will take care of her." Camille, who was at Vincent's place nodded. Her phone was on speaker. The vampire and the witch smiled.
"Thank God. Is she okay?" Marcel glanced at the girl.
"Physically, I think so. Mentally. I doubt it."
Camille and Vincent looked at eachother. Both individuals wanted to see the girl.
"Could we stop by? Maybe bring her something?" Marcel smiled.
"Of course. Could you also let Hope know? I'm sure she's worried."
"Of course. Thanks Marcel. Bye." Camille hung up the phone. Vincent smiled at the vampire.
"Thankfully she's okay." Camille simply nodded. She was angry. Not at Grace. Never at her. She was angry at her husband, Hayley and the Mikaelsons. Their little girl, their niece had been missing for three days and none of them noticed. None of them cared. She wanted to stake them all. Vincent could see his friend getting angry and made his way over to her.
"Camille. I know you're angry but right now we need to focus on Grace. She'll need us." Camille looked at Vincent and nodded. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Once Camille was calm, the duo made their way towards Marcels, making a stop along the way.

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