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Years passed, and Krit became renowned throughout the school, not for his academic achievements, but as a star athlete, particularly excelling as a basketball player. Outside of class, he spent countless hours in the gym, honing his skills, but his interests also extended to the world of big motorcycles, where he harbored dreams of becoming a racer. With his scholarship riding on his academic success, Krit dedicated himself wholeheartedly to his studies, determined not to falter.

One day, amidst the quiet confines of the library, Krit was approached by an unexpected visitor—a familiar face from his time in London. Jake, the American friend who had stuck by him through thick and thin, greeted Krit with a grin, catching him off guard.

Jake: "Hey, Krit! You coming to my birthday party tonight? My mom's been asking for you."

Krit nodded in response, but not before playfully swatting Jake's arm for his loud entrance, mindful of the library's tranquil atmosphere.

Krit: "I already told you I'd be there. Why do you keep asking?"

Jake chuckled, his voice echoing slightly louder than intended, drawing a reproachful glance from the librarian.

Jake: "Just making sure you don't forget amidst all your busyness. Mom's treating you like her own kid, you know."

Krit smirked, shooting back a playful retort.

Krit: "That's because I'm not a troublemaker like you."

Their banter was interrupted when Jake attempted to block Krit's reading material, prompting Krit to retaliate with a mock headlock. They froze momentarily as the librarian shot them a disapproving look, before Krit released Jake, offering a warning.

Krit: "Better get going before you get us both kicked out."

Jake grinned mischievously, soaking up the camaraderie between them, before making his exit, leaving Krit to return to his studies with a faint smile playing on his lips, grateful for the friendship that had endured despite the passage of time.

Krit's condo, situated in a towering 12-floor building, offered a breathtaking view of the cityscape through its expansive glass walls. The sleek, modern design of his living space boasted minimalist black, white, and gray furniture, accentuated by the occasional pop of color from vibrant artwork adorning the walls. His bedroom, impeccably organized, exuded tranquility, with a transparent headboard framing the stunning urban panorama beyond. As Krit entered his sanctuary, he activated the LED lights, casting a soothing blue hue that enveloped the room, a subtle reflection of his mood.

Dressed in black trousers, a simple black shirt, and a leather jacket, Krit exuded an understated elegance as he prepared to venture out. His choice of attire was deliberate, allowing him to blend into the bustling city streets unnoticed, avoiding unnecessary attention. Securing his leather-clad wristwatch and grabbing the keys to his Yamaha YZF-R6 motorcycle from the coffee table, Krit retrieved his black helmet and made his way out of the condo.

Outside, he was greeted by a warm embrace from his elderly neighbor, accompanied by her granddaughter. The pair presented him with thoughtful gifts, souvenirs from their recent trip to Dubai, a gesture that touched Krit's heart. Despite his aversion to crowds and small talk, Krit couldn't help but appreciate the genuine kindness of his neighbors, a fleeting moment of human connection in his otherwise solitary existence.

Krit was a well-known figure in the entire subdivision, his presence synonymous with vibrant celebrations that brought the entire neighborhood together. Whenever there was a birthday, the community would gather, and Krit's name was always on everyone's lips. Many parents even hoped to introduce their children to Krit, having learned about his prestigious school and impressive career.

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