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[ The next morning, in the great hall. The gang is sitting, eating. Annie is twirling her food on a fork.]

Sirius frowns at his cub not eating, already planning to make sure she eats extra at dinner.

Ron: Take a bit of toast, mate, go on.

Hermione: Ron's right, Annie. You're gonna need your strength today.

Annie: I'm not hungry.

[Snape appears at the table.]

Snape: Good luck today, Potter. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if it is against Slytherin. [Snape walks off, limping. Annie notices this.]

James looks at the screen eyebrows furrowed. On one hand he's trying to discern the motive behind Severus's comment but on the other he can't help but be concerned seeing his limp, he wonders if he'll find out what happened.

Annie: That explains the blood.

Hermione: Blood?

Annie: Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that three headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping.

Toni sheepishly smiles at Snapes deadpan glare. "I stopped thinking it was you after the game, I knew you would never go that far."

He rolls his eyes but hides the small smile, they had gotten quite close once he figured out she was his godsons soulmate. And when Snape killed Dumbledore she was the only one who believed he wasn't a traitor. Though its not like she was all that upset about the old bird finally kicking the bucket anyway.

"Wait what happened in the game?"

Ron points to the screen, "It should be coming up pretty soon."

Hermione: But why would anyone go near that dog?

"Oh I could think of tons of reasons to visit fluffy" Luna smiles thinking of the large Cerberus.

"Fluffy?" Bucky looks to Luna amused.

She immediately starts telling him all about Fluffy and some other creatures she has met on her travels. He can't help but hang onto every word she says, her enthusiasm and curiosity of the world has him entranced.

Annie: The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret.

"I honestly didn't think you'd make it that long"
Clint sadly passes Natasha 10 bucks.

Regulus finally announces his presence,
"Very secret?" His eyebrows raised amused, "doesn't seem very secret anymore"

Annie blushes, "whatever" and elbows him.

Hermione: So you're saying...

Ron: That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants.

[Hedwig screeches as she enters the Great Hall. She is carrying a very large, long parcel. She drops it off at the table.]

Hermione: Bit early for mail, isn't it?

Annie: But I... I never get mail.

Remus looks sadly at the screen. He shares a sad look with Sirius their cub had to go through so much alone.

[They open it to reveal a broomstick.]

Annie: It's a broomstick!

Ron: Thats not just any broomstick, Annie. [recognizing the model] It's a Nimbus 2000!

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