3. Chapter: Deep in the Woods

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The walk through the forest felt like an eternity. Noah couldn't decide whether he wanted it to end as soon as possible, so he finally could be put out of his misery, or didn't want it to end at all, so he wouldn't have to endure whatever his captor had planned for him. But in the end it didn't really matter what he wanted, did it? This would end the same, one way or another. But if he could choose he would rather take the first option. For one, that way gave him less time to think about what the giant was going to do to him. Sometimes your own mind could be your worst enemy and the uncertainty was killing him inside. If he was lucky the giant would give him a quick death.

Not to mention, that it was getting quite uncomfortable to be trapped in a fist and constantly be in motion. At this point he would give anything to feel solid ground under his feet again. But that wasn't the only thing, which made him uncomfortable. What put him even more on edge was the fact, that the guy hadn't spoken even just one word, since they had left the village. Which was creepy as hell. Yet, on second thought, it was something to be expected. Like who in their right mind would have a nice little chat with their meal? Besides, it wasn't like they had anything to talk about or that Noah was interested in having a conversation with the one, who was going to kill him. But it didn't make the silence any less disturbing. Nevertheless, the boy, for once, kept his mouth shut as well and continued to stare at the ground. If he wanted to see in which direction they were going, he had to crane his neck. Noah was too exhausted to care, though. It would just remind him of how little control he had in this situation. He was already trying his best to ignore the huge fingers, which were wrapped around his body and prevented him from moving.

The more time went by the more tense Noah got. Eventually the sound of rushing water broke the silence. Not long after, they came across a clearing, Noah realized, as the ground got illuminated by the sunlight. The change of environment sparked some interest inside the boy, so he mustered up some energy to look ahead.

The first thing he saw was the large lake, which reflected the sunlight, and the high waterfall. The teen assumed that the giant had reached his destination, because instead of passing by the man headed directly towards the waterfall. Noah's eyes widened in awe, when the entrance to a gigantic cave appeared behind it, then they entered, what, Noah assumed, was where the giant was living. Thanks to the few sunrays, which shone through a large crack in the ceiling, his eyes were able to get a glimpse of his surroundings. The boy was astonished to see a variety of different plants, to him it almost looked like a little garden or.... vegetable patch? The man kept walking until they reached a smaller cave inside the bigger one.

A room?

Against all of his expectations, the inside looked quite domestic, cozy even. Nothing like the dark, cold place he had expected. In the middle stood a wooden table, with one chair standing beside it. On the left was a bed and a matching nightstand. Some shelves and a dresser were lined up against the wall. And at the far end of the cave was a small fireplace, where some left over embers still glowed, with a cauldron above. Ah, if that sight wasn't doing wonders to his already wrecked nerves. At least one thing about this place was somewhat reassuring. It seemed like the giant lived here alone and Noah almost let out a sigh of relief, when he realized that he wouldn't have to worry about facing multiple giants at once. Not that it would make much of a difference. It didn't make being completely at the mercy of the one giant, who put him down on the center of the table, anything better. While the teen laid face down on the wooden surface, he could only guess what the guy was doing, when he heard the retreating footsteps and some shuffling behind him. To his horror among all the different noises was also the crackling of a fire. His heart skipped a beat, when a large shadow engulfed his tiny form once again and a hand reached across the table. Noah's eyes followed it to see what it was reaching for. And he instantly wished they hadn't, as his eyes caught a silver glint.

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