Tight budget

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The waiter came over quickly and asked for our orders. When she finished writing, she started to make small talk.
"Where are you two from? I've never seen people like you around here."
I was about to make an intricate lie, but then I thought about what he said earlier. I instead told the waiter that we were from out of town dismissively. She got the hint and made her way to the kitchen.
"I thought you were about to mess this up for us."
"What do you take me for? A child", I remarked. Strangely enough, I saw a small smile creep through his face.
While waiting, I noticed something intriguing about another customer across the restaurant. Her face was extremely uncanny. Eyes so dark you can't see the pupil and non-existent eyebrows. The smile she gave off was very fake. Her lips curled into a smile, but her cheeks and eyes stayed in place. I got lost in my observation when I noticed she was looking at me now. Her eyes directly on mine. I turned away, hoping that she didn't notice. I glanced to see if she was still looking at me, but she was absorbed in her conversation. Maybe it was a hallucination from the lack of sleep. I didn't dwell on it and waited for my food once again.
"If we're going to work together, I think we should know each other's names," he brought up spontaneously. I think it was to break the silence.
"Well, I'm Kima".
" I'm Dai. I hope we have a good time together, partner".
We exchanged smiles before the waiter came to give us our food. There wasn't too much food, just tea sandwiches and a salad. I didn't even wait for our server to put down the plates. I dug in and enjoyed my food. Dai followed after.
In around ten minutes, everything was gone. As we finished up I realized neither of us had money to pay. Luckily, the waiter hadn't come over yet. I had to think of something quick before we drew attention to ourselves.
Coincidentally, some yelling came from behind

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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