2-The Maitland's 1.0

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Elle felt someone gently shaking her and she could hear Jake's voice calling to her. It took her moment to recall she was sleeping in Jake's room. 

"Elle come on, it's time to get up." Jake urged for like the fifth time.

Elle finally rolled over and lazily stretched. 

"It's first day of school." He reminded her as he walked back over to his closet. When he reemerged, pulling a t-shirt over his head, he could see that Elle had made no attempt to even try and get out of bed. 

"Alright, you have till the count of three before I pour a glass of cold water on you." He threatened. 


"Just five more minutes." She whined.

"Two...and don't think I won't do it." He called out from across the room where he was standing at the tall dresser where he kept his watch and ring. 

"Three..." As the last number three began to roll off his tongue, Elle sat straight up in the bed.

"Okay, okay...I'm up." She announced, her eyes still closed. "See."

As she continued to just sit there with her eyes still closed, she felt Jake take her by her arm and pull her gently off the bed. As her feet hit the floor, she leaned her head back, squinting up at him. She could see by his wet hair that he must have just got out of the shower. He smelled clean, like soap.

"Now, go get ready for school." He ordered as he pointed her towards the door. He gave a slight swat on her backside as he sent her on her way. 

She shot him a grumpy look back over her shoulder at him. He just shook his head and chuckled. She, did not, think any of it was funny. But she did head on towards her room. He really didn't seem upset with her...yet, and she really didn't want to push it too far till he was. Slowly, she trudged towards her room. 

Eventually she was dressed and sitting at the bottom of the front stairs. She was waiting for Gage and Garrett to come on so they could leave for school. She was texting Lillie, when Jake came out of his office. 

"So, you're ready to go, I take it." He said as he walked up to where she sat. He noticed she chose to wear her school uniform of a plaid skirt, white button down and the golden colored vest. He would almost bet that Lillie and Meredith were wearing the same thing today, too. 

She nodded. 

"Did you eat breakfast?" He asked, thinking how he hadn't seen her at anytime down there eating breakfast when he was down there.

"I'm not hungry." She said not looking up from her phone. 

Jake looked down at her. Nope this will not do, he thought to himself. 

"Well, you need to eat something." He said, "So, go find something to eat before you go." 

Elle's eyes rolled up to find those blue eyes of his staring back down at her. He had that look that said, he wasn't going to take no for an answer. 

"It's just about time to go." She pointed out. 

"Well, then you better hurry up." He said without an ounce of sympathy. 

"I'm really not that hungry." She tried again. 

And for the second time that day, she found herself being pulled along compliment of Jake's hand as he reached down and pulled her up. 

"I don't care, you need something to eat. Go, grab a banana, or granola bar, I don't care but you get something." He ordered her. 

With an over exaggerated sigh, she headed towards the kitchen. Just as she made it to across the foyer, both Gage and Garrett came bouncing out from the kitchen dining area.

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