4-Something Found

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Elle made her way from the Study to the Formal Dining room not long after she had just got downstairs. Zach had stepped in to summon her to dinner, so she followed him into the elegant bluish-gray room. Within a few minutes everyone had arrived, well, everyone except Jordan. His chair, which sat on the other side of the table from Elle and up by Jake, was empty. Elle watched as Jake looked at his watch. Lorenzo stepped into the room, looking for his cue from Jake as to when he was to start serving.

"Lorenzo, if you would please, go ahead and bring the food since I have no idea when or even if Jordan will be joining us." Jake announced, no one mistook that aggravated tone for anything other than exactly what it was meant to sound like. Jake was aggravated with Jordan...again. 

Elle watched as Lorenzo brought in a large ham already sliced and laid out on a platter. He placed in front of Jake, who reached for a few slices before passing it on down to Garrett, sliding it past Jordan's empty seat. As the dishes of brussels sprouts, squash casserole and wild rice began to make their way around the table Elle wasn't able to keep her opinion of said sides from showing up on her face. She was not a particular fan of any of these dishes. The only thing she really cared for was the ham and the rolls. Everything else...she could do without.

When Zach passed the brussels sprouts to her, she just passed them right on down to Kaison. She did the same with the squash casserole and the wild rice. She was hoping Jake wouldn't notice that she had not taken any of the sides but of course...he noticed.

"Elle, you've only got ham and rolls on your plate." Jake remarked. Now everyone else was looking at her plate, too.

"That's all I want." She stated. 

"You need more than that to eat." Jake countered. 

"I'm not hungry for more." She replied back as she pulled a piece of the warm yeast roll apart and shoved it into her mouth.

Jake didn't say anything, only lifting his eyes to catch Zach's across the long mahogany table. 

"Elle, you still need to put something else on your plate." Zach stepped in trying to keep the peace between them. "It won't hurt you to take a few brussels sprouts and a spoonful of the casserole and the rice." He tried to encourage. 

Elle's face rolled up in disgust. 

"I don't like any of those. They're gross." She announced. "Especially the brussels sprouts and that squash stuff." 

Lorenzo was dropping off more fresh warm rolls when he heard Elle's declaration. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you didn't like them." Lorenzo said looking over at Elle. "My apologies Jake." He rushed on directing his attention to Jake, "If I had known, I would have fixed something else for dinner tonight." He said sounding a little anxious.

"Cappy would have known." Elle grumbled under her breath before quickly shoving another bite of the roll into her mouth.

"Elleana!" Zach leaned in, hissing at her. He wasn't the only one who heard her. 

"Lorenzo, it's fine. You've done a great job." Jake complimented his lips drawn tight. "Don't worry about it." He said trying to reassure Lorenzo it was okay as he simultaneously narrowed his eyes dangerously onto Elle.

"I can heat up some left over green beans if you would like?" Lorenzo offered as he looked from Elle then to Jake for the approval. 

"No thank you Lorenzo. Elle can either eat what is at this table, or not. You've done a great job." Jake reiterated again, his voice tight. 

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