5-The Mole

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Elle leaned her head up against the wall and began to cry again. She was crying because now Jake wanted her to sit there and think about why she was sitting there. Great. For her, all it meant was she was still in trouble and at that moment, she wasn't sure why. Okay, if she was honest, she had a good idea why, she just didn't want to think about it. And damn it hurt to sit there on that stupid chair. She shifted again.  

She had no idea where he went, or how long he was actually gone. At some point she remembered thinking maybe he wasn't going to come back. Could she really be that lucky? Nope, she finally heard him walking across the foyer and enter into the office. Her heart began beating faster as he moved towards the chairs they had been sitting in earlier.  Once he sat down, he called her over. She slowly she stood up and shuffled over to stand in front of him.  Once she was standing directly in front of him he handed her a water.

"Drink some of this." He ordered. He waited till she opened up the bottle and took a few sips out of it. "I don't think that would make Kaison happy but I suppose it will do for now." He commented as he took it out of her hands and placed it on his desk. She stood there dutifully and waited.

"So, did you come to any conclusions as to why you were sitting in the corner?" He asked.

She slowly rolled those sad blue eyes of hers up at him. She felt like if she confessed, she was telling on herself. She said nothing.

"Hmmm...." He said more to himself.

He reached over and taking her hand he pulled her closer towards him till she was standing right in front of him.  She kept her eyes on the floor, or rather the carpet, not really able to even think about the beautiful intricate pattern that was woven into it. 

"Elle, look at me." He instructed her. 

Her eyes slowly lifted again to look at his. He wasn't looking at her angrily, though his expression was still dark.  She could still see a flash every now and then in those blue eyes of his that told her he was still upset, or maybe it was disappointment she was seeing. Probably both, she thought to herself.

"Elle, I told you on your first day with us, which was, what, something like ten months ago now, I do not tolerate lying. Do you remember?" He asked. His voice was deep as he spoke with deliberate purpose watching her with every word he said. 

"Yes, sir." She said quietly, her eyes jumping around from him, to the arm of the chair, back to him, to the desk, back to him. She was trying hard to look anywhere else she could look that wasn't directly at him. Her stomach was doing flip-flops as she stood there in the silence.

"Well then, why do you insist on still lying to me?" He asked. 

Again, his tone was even though it still carried a hint of that commanding authority as it always does when he questions her like that, she thought to herself. She really hated it when he asked her questions like that because she knows there isn't an answer for him, well, not one he would accept. Plus, she knows, that he knows that, too. She just stood there in the ticking silence of the mantel clock on the fireplace saying nothing.

She finally heard Jake let out a heavy sigh. 

"Okay, then." He said as he stood up and began taking his belt off as stepped to her left. 

She immediately went into pleading mode.

"Jake please." She began already feeling the tears rushing to her eyes. "I really am sorry. I didn't mean to lie. I promise I won't ever do it again." She rushed on. 

Undeterred Jake just stood there, watching her, as he finished pulling the black leather strap through belt loops of his jeans, then folding it in half into his hand. 

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