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Luigi makes a beeline straight for his bedroom, but Spike follows, begging, "Nonononono, Luigi, I can explain."

"Okay." Luigi whips his head around. "Explain why you're kissing my ex-fiancé in my apartment?"

"W-we w-work out at the same gym." Spike stammers.

"How long have you been back?" Luigi demands.

"The whole time." Destiny replies.

"We were just talking, and things just kind of happened." Spike says in a rush.

"Spike and I just connected, you know?" Destiny shrugs with a smile.

"Pauline thinks you're cheating on her, did you know that?" Luigi seethes as he looks right at Spike. "And I told her flat out you'd never do that."

"I swear I didn't mean to hurt either of you." Spike pleads. "Trust me, it's not what you think."

"What I'm thinking involves an eviction notice and a restraining order." Luigi snaps.

"Hey, you dumped me ." Destiny speaks up, taking Spike's hand, who still refuses to look at her. "We're all adults here, aren't we?"

"No." Luigi says angrily. "You don't get the last word. I'm leaving."

He starts to go for the front door, then comes back, angrier.

"What am I saying? This is my apartment. You leave!" He yells at Destiny.

After a nod from Spike, Destiny just walks to the door and leaves without another word.

"You went through everything?" Snoozemore asks Pauline skeptically.

"No, and trust me, we're exhausted." She replies truthfully as Luigi comes out in his dreamwalking pajamas. "But we're gonna get back to it after we're done dreamwalking. But we did find something interesting."

The three stop so Pauline can explain, "Apparently Taylor called an unlisted number with the person that reported the espionage on the caller ID."

"They broke protocol?" Snoozemore asks. "Can you narrow it down at all?"

When he sees Luigi seems to be staring at nothing, Snoozemore snaps his fingers. "Luigi!"

Luigi jolts, then replies, "The only people who scanned their badges in the part of the building Taylor was working in when they were attacked were the people we talked to. John, Randi, Martina, and Chris."

"That doesn't mean anything. Someone else could've snuck by." Pauline says.

When Spike walks in, all apologies, "Sorry, I was just—"

"And that's my cue." Luigi walks to the Ultibed.

"Mine too." Pauline agrees, going to her station.

Snoozemore immediately demands, "What in the Underwhere was that?"

Spike confesses sheepishly, "Luigi walked in on me with Destiny in a compromising position.", and when Snoozemore looks furious, adds quickly, "She just had her hands all over me, but that's bad enough."

"You didn't tell him, did you?" Snoozemore pushes.

Spike glares at him, but still says, "I wanted to so fucking bad, but no."

"Good." Snoozemore sighs in relief.

"No, not good." Spike glares harder, then walks away.

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