Every women is the same

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"I've got you" I whispered while I sat there hugging him. He cried and cried, I didn't know what to do. His body became weaker and he gave in, I noticed that when his weight was on me, his head rested against my chest. "I don't hate you," I whispered, but he continued to sob, I just held him in my arms until he calmed down. "Tom?" I whispered after a while, no answer, he fell asleep. I slowly leaned against his bed and covered him with his head resting against my chest. And I was laying like that the whole time, till Tom woke up, he wasn't sleeping for a long time, 13mins, then he suddenly woke up, he sat up and looked at me, I looked at him. "You're gonna be okay." I whispered, he just kept looking at me. "I still hate-" he tried to say "shut up." I distrubted him as I kissed him, he kissed me back. He laid his hands on my hip, my hands were on his cheek. I'm not gonna lie, i did tasted some salt while I kissed him, because of the tears that's rolled down to his mouth. Then I pulled away, he looked deep into my eyes. "I think I love you." I whispered, he just looked at me, "that's cool." He answered, and to be honest.. it did hurtet, I expected him to react different. I sat away from him, his hands left my waist. Fuck why did I kiss him, I'm gonna be another one of his hoes. "I'm gonna go home now." I said as I stood up, he stood up to. "No." He answered, "no? I'm going when I want to go alright buddy?" I said, just because he did hurtet me a little. "You're not going anywhere." He answered, "hey I really don't wanna be another one of you hoes!" I said, "what?" He asked, I looked at him "I'm not gonna have sex with you." He answered, "I just want you to stay so I got a fucking distraction." He said, "oh so I'm gonna be only your distraction now?" I asked, "what the fuck." He said, "cmon go then, go." He said, "just wanna do something with you like playing games so I can be distracted for once but if you keep reacting like this then fuck off." He said angry, "Sorry that you're giving me that kind of feeling." I said, "what kind of feeling?" He asked, "you kissed me without liking me." I said, "I never said that I don't like you." He answered, "that's cool." I imitated him in an ironic voice. "And now you're acting like that because of two god damn words?" He asked, "I hate to tell someone that I love them, they could be the only reason that I'm alive and I'm still not gonna tell them that I love them. Not since my ex." He added, "I am not your ex Tom." I said, "I know." He answered "do you?" I asked, "you think that every woman is the same right?" I asked, he looked at me and nodded. "Okay.." I said, and we just looked at each other.

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