Afton Oneshot: Brother-Sister dance

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A/N: I'm so sorry for taking so long for writing. I haven't wrote in so long which is because of School and being busy. I promise I will try and update my oneshot's more and add more frequently. But with softball season, and the end of the year coming up there is a lot of tests and stuff so I don't know how easy it's going to be.

Anyways the oneshot is pretty clear from the title. It's Michael and Elizabeth at Elizabeth's daddy daughter dance. I really hope you like this oneshot since I think it's a good one.

i'm sorry for alternating between uppercase and lowercase typing. i went back and forth between typing it in two different ways.

its from micheal's pov!

"Daddy!" Elizabeth squealed as my dad pulled into the driveway. I don't get her obsession with him at all. He wasn't even a good parent, and she knew that.

He opened the car and then slammed it shut. He was looking down at papers that had a ton of writing on it. It was probably just his work and stuff. To be fair, what did I expect?

"Finally you're home. I don't have to watch her anymore." I said getting up from my seat on the stairs. Elizabeth had forced me to come outside and wait for my dad to return for some reason. She was going to ask him about something but said that it was a surprise to be brought up at dinner. She was lucky if my dad was even going to be at dinner.

"Michael, not so fast," My dad called out to me before I could run inside. I turned around, annoyed. "I need you to continue watching your sister, and your brother, wherever he is. I need to finish up with some work stuff. Then after dinner you can do whatever you want inside your room."

I groaned.



I looked at him. He knew I hated watching after my siblings. They were annoying. It's not that I don't love them, it's just at some moments they aren't my favorite thing in the world.

"Fine." I gave in. I saw Elizabeth smile and then felt her tug at my shirt. I looked down and sure enough she had a huge smile on her face. I wasn't really sure where my brother was, I'm pretty sure he was at this girl Cindy's house. Personally, I didn't really like her. Neither did Elizabeth. Me and her had a nickname for her called "Elizabeth's ripoff" since she had the same hair as Liz.

I don't get why Evan liked her either. She was a little mean to him and sort of bullied him. I mean, yeah she stood up for him sometimes and was like his only friend, but she was an annoying bitch.

I walked inside and sat down on the couch. Elizabeth sat down on the floor next to the couch and started playing with her toys. I was lucky that she wasn't bothering me at the moment. I hated when she just kept bothering me and bothering me and bothering me.

"Bubba, when is Evan getting back from my ripoff's house?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Whenever he feels like it, I guess. But probably before dinner. Since apparently mom and dad are both going to be home for dinner tonight."

I could see her face light up after I said that. She went back to playing with her dolls and I sat there. I skipped through the channels but couldn't find anything to watch so I just put on some random show. I was hoping it wasn't going to be "inappropriate" which means something Elizabeth can't watch. She probably already knows all the shit that's being said anyways.

"Michael, can you go pick up Evan?" My mom yelled at me. She was turning on the microwave.

"Fine." I mumbled. It got me out of baby sitting Liz and it gave me a chance to drive around. The only problem was that he was at Cindy's house. I hated that little bitch. She acted like she knew everything and knew what she was talking about, but in reality she just used words that she picked up from her parents.

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