When he was staring

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Chapter 1

The day after

I was in my own bed the next day, with the memory of last night clear in my head. I met him upstairs like he told me to, he helped me out, he went down backstairs seeing as the party was still going on, and I went home to my own house. Mission completed.

Other than feeling sore downstairs, nothing else felt weird. I only felt happy, leaving the virgin part of my life behind is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and now I have.

Maybe someday in the future I would regret it, but I can't base all the decision I make in the present of what the future might hold. I know I have to make the best to have an enjoyable future, but I also have to make an enjoyable present, because the future don't exist that way, we always live in the present.

Right now, I wanted to lose my virginity, later I might wish I hadn't given it up, so either way, I would lose, but the chance of winning would be higher by doing what I think is right in the present of my life.


I felt confident as I walked through the double doors at the school entrance. Through the whole weekend, I had still no regrets, and as promised, I felt nothing towards him. So no clinginess or attachment from my side.

I told my best and only friends Lynn and Sasha about the night the day after. They both said they were happy for me and wouldn't judge as long as I was okay with it all, and I was. Lynn is still a virgin, and unlike me, she want to really be in love with someone when she does it, but she don't think less off me.

When I was standing by my locker, I got the weird feeling, you know, the feeling when you know when someone is looking at you. I placed the books I needed in my bag and turned around, trying to hide the fact I was scanning the room for a potential stalker.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw a familiar pair of green eyes looking at me confused, but looked away as quick as I caught him, Sean, looking at me. I shook my head, I was just probably more aware of him because of that night now. Or maybe he was surprised I actually kept my word and acted like I hadn't ever asked him to take my virginity.

I decided to get to my first period classroom even though it was five minutes left until the school bell rang. Math first period on a Monday is so not good for my brain, I thought as I sighed while sitting down in my chair behind my desk. Lynn and I shared this period so I knew she would be here shortly. I had P.E with Sasha and the rest of Monday was without both of them, so that's an extra reason as for why Monday's sucks.

A few more people entered, as did Lynn. I put my phone away and smiled as I greeted her. At least she and I are sitting beside each other, making mat suck a little less. "Hey, what's up?" I ask her as she sat down. She looked stressed or something, like Caroline Forbes from The Vampire diaries when she's organizing the Miss Mystic Falls thing in season 4.

"What else happened the night you and Sean were together?" she asked looking me straight in the eyes seriously as I had left something out when I told them everything.

"I don't understand, you know everything that happened" I said honestly, not understanding where she was coming from.

"Then why was he like staring at you for what seemed like several minutes earlier when you got your books from the locker?" she retorted, making me burst out laughing. That was what she was making a big deal out of?

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