A message to all readers

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Hello everyone! 

It amazes me to see people are still enjoying this story, even so long after i wrote the last chapter. That was a milestone for me, and this story has given me so much.

But now, i have been given the opportunity to post my story on Dreame, and i think it's time for this story to take that step. Dreame is a website for female readers and writers, and the app is free to download and I will post one chapter there each day, so if you enjy my book so far, please head over to Dreame and you can continue it there :) it would mean a lot to me if you can continue supporting me on there. You all mean the world to me by reading my stories, and i wouldn't be so inspiret to continue writing without you, and that comes right from the heart!

The best part is, my book in Dreame will be FREE!:D

Also a huge thank you to those who continue and join to support me further in this next step for me.

All of you need to remember you are the ones helping me get this opportunity, i just write the story, but you guys give me opportunities. Once again, thank you all so so so much!

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to message me, or post your question in the comments. I'll answer daily! And i'll hope i see you at Dreame! Also, a thank you to Dreame!

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