When he tricked me

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Chapter 4


I was desperately waiting for Friday to arrive, and for it being Tuesday night was just torture. I was so excited to go with Alex, to see if he meant it as a romantic date. I just hope to god he didn't mean it as a friendly date. What would I do if he really was just being friendly, and was not interested in me as I was in him? Well, maybe I shouldn't dwell on it. After all, he seemed really excited to tell me he made the team and he did ask me to go with him in some sort of way. That's got to count for something, right?

This was thoughts going on replay as often as my playlist on Spotify that contains my ultimate favorites. If it weren't for that one of the songs was at the end, were the vocals were barely a whisper, I wouldn't have heard the soft tap on the glass door to the balcony. It wasn't a fancy balcony, really. In some movies, the balcony is the ultimate romantic scene. My balcony, would fit a horror movie or something. Yep, old and rusty.

I took of my headphones and placed them beside my pillow and went to check if a bird or something had crashed into the glass door. It happens a rare time now and then. I opened the door. I frowned when I saw nothing besides the really rusty table and chair. Imagine the really old outside furniture, standing in pouring rain day out and day in, and you know what kind of balcony furniture I have.

I was about to close the door when I saw the small stone, lying on the floor with something wrapped around it. I picked it up and took of the piece of thread that hold some piece of paper in place.

Meet me by the small oak by the bleachers at school? I have something I want to tell you, in a more romantic place then from the window frame where other people might hear. -Alex

My heart started hammering more and more for each word. Could this mean what I think it means? He wants to tell me something, in a romantic setting. Was my crush mutual? Oh my god.

I closed the door and rushed over to the bed to pick up my phone and check the time. It was only 9 P.M. My mom and dad were working late again, and maybe I could manage to get to meet Alex and getting back before they got home.

I quickly checked my outfit, it was okay. I dragged a brush through my hair and fixed my make-up. I ran downstairs, grabbed my jacket while running out the front door. I decided to take the car this time, because I really shouldn't be running all the way over there right before meeting Alex.

I was smiling excitedly for myself while driving. I was so sure he was going to ask me out on a date, maybe confess that he has feelings for me, or something along those lines. I was glad it was almost pitch black outside, because I'm really sure I'm going to be blushing tonight.

My hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter as I got nervous. I was looking forward to meeting him, don't get me wrong, but who doesn't get a little nervous when their crush ask you to meet him at a romantic place?

I parked in my usual spot at the school parking lot. I took a deep breath and let out a small excited squeal as I excited my car.

When the oak tree reached my vision I stopped for a second before I speed walked over there. I saw the silhouette of a guy standing there, leaning against the tree with his hands in the jacket, a leather jacket. When I got closer, a gasped escaped me.

It wasn't Alex, it was Sean. I can't believe this. "Sean!" I yelled angrily, making him jump as he turned around to face me.

"I want to say something to you in a more romantic place" I quoted the note, using air marks. I can't believe he did this!

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