The Fight

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I approached the short and stocky house with caution and went over the plan in my head.
Break the window, hide in the house until I see him, then attack.
Easy enough.
Gosh this is gonna be fun! I can't wait to make Halio happy!
I walk around the side of it, admiring the calming seafoam-colored paneling along the side of the house. No cars were in the driveway either, so this was a clear space of time to hide in the beachy building.
I found a back window leading into his garage and I carefully got out a crowbar from my bag. I began tapping at the window quietly till it cracked. I then put the curve of the end against the glass and pushed hard. It snapped through the glass, leaving a hole big enough for me to unlock the window without a lot of noise.
Easy enough.
I slowly reached through and clicked the lock open, shoving the window upward. I dropped the duffle bag on the garage floor and pulled myself through, landing quietly beside the bag.
I took a couple boxes and pushed them in front of the window so the man wouldn't see the broken window and glass shards.
I quickly grabbed the bag and grabbed the doorknob that led to the house.
Unlocked!! Halio said that wouldn't happen!
I entered the house and shut the door to look for the bedroom to hide in.
I looked around, seeing pictures of the man and dainty beachy furniture. Portraits of the man and various other people scattered the walls, with wide smiles and joy plastered on their face like the cheap blue paint on his walls.
I studied a portrait closely, it had the same man and a strange woman without any hair sitting on a couch, chatting. 
While observing, crowbar in hand, I heard snarling behind my back…
I whip my head around to see a large and lanky white creature with a green collar and neat, pristinely managed fur in ringlets. Despite clearly supposed to match the calming decor, its fur was bristling and stirring up the worriless air in a tizzy. Its sharp teeth were barren and pearly white, its eyes dripping in an animalistic instinct.
I hadn't seen this thing ever before, but maybe I could reason with it!
“Hey there! So sorry for showing up unannounced, James didn't tell me he had company!” I guess at the homeowner's name, it did not work. The creature's growls were hitching with its breath, the gutteral sounds piercing through the artificially perfumed air.
A loud and quick roar rumbled from it, like short little screams that were louder than anything I had heard.
Shit. They'll hear it scream and find me!
“Shut up!!”
I had to act quickly, so I lunged forward and swung the iron bar back. It came in contact with the creature's head and I felt the vibration of the impact ripple through the iron in my hand.
The creature fell to the polished hardwood with a thud, its pointed nails scratching and clawing at first to stay on balance, but sadly it lay there defeated and quiet.
Finally.. that thing is loud.
I observed its body and how it finally lay at peace, it seemed to be matching the calming interior design now, so its life wasn't completely wasted. God knows it's nicer without that wretched and guttural screaming.
I grab it by the collar and heave it across the floor, hiding it in a cupboard under the silver sink.
I closed the cabinet doors as I heard the sound of tires crunching a gravel driveway, the man was home.
I quickly dart to grab the duffle bag and hide in his bedroom closet. I shut the door right as I heard the front door unlock and his footsteps echo through the house.
“Davy?” He called out.
Was the creature named Davy?
“Davyyyyy??” He continued calling out.
He paused for a bit and I heard a sigh, followed by his footsteps near my hiding place. He entered the bedroom and began searching it.
“Davy you little dumbass… did you get stuck under the bed again?” He spoke to whom he thought was nobody.
He slowly approached my closet as my breath caught in my throat. I felt like screaming but I didn't have time, he slid the door open and stood in shock. I took my chance, I kicked him hard in the gut as he doubled over in pain and I grabbed my crowbar.
“Fuck!! Who are you?!” He rasped.
Alas, before I had time to react he grabbed my legs and pulled them out from under me, swinging me across the room and face-first into his cheap wallpaper. I fell to the floor and tried to recover, but the pain was too great, I fell back to the floor.
Instead of attacking me, he simply ran out of the room and away from potential conflict. I took this as my last chance and I heaved myself to my feet, I grabbed a large knife from my bag and chased him.
“Get back here!” I scream after him. “COWARD!”

He was gone.
I found myself in the garage, knife in hand and back to the door.
Shit… nonono Halio's gonna be so mad..
My thoughts were interrupted by a footstep on the stairs behind me.
I looked up and there the man was, wielding my crowbar high above his head, ready to strike.

It swung.

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