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It was about the fifth hour of the day, on the sixth day, when Aravat stood alongside His holy ones, Y'shua and Shekinah. He then spoke with authority and purpose, His voice resonating through the garden like mighty waters: "Bring forth life."

The anticipation among the host of Shamayim grew as they watched intently, their eyes fixed on Y'shua, the right hand of Aravat, who extended His hand over the expanse of Adamah. With the power of His words, Y'shua brought forth all living creatures, beginning with the first land beast, the Serpent—a magnificent dragon bestowed with the gift of speech to govern all beasts and insects.


The Serpent of Eden was a mesmerizing creature, a dragon-like creature of extraordinary beauty and elegance. Its sinuous, emerald-green body glistened under the sun's rays, adorned with sleek, iridescent scales that shimmered with a golden sheen. Long and graceful, its form was that of a mighty serpent, winding through the lush grasses and trees of the Garden.

Though bestowed with wings—grand, leathery, and vibrant like the wings of a bat—they remained folded and incapable of flight, a constant reminder of the creature's tether to Adamah. These wings, veined with delicate silver patterns, were as much an adornment as they were a symbol of lost potential. The Serpent's eyes were sharp and intelligent, glowing a fiery amber that reflected its wisdom and cunning. A long, forked tongue flicked out, tasting the air as it spoke with an enchanting, melodious voice.

With the gift of speech, the Serpent reigned over all creatures of Adamah, commanding beasts and insects alike with eloquence and authority. Its words carried a blend of allure and danger, a whisper that enticed yet concealed darker intentions. Despite its inability to soar through the skies, the Serpent moved with an ethereal grace, as though it glided effortlessly through the very fabric of Eden's paradise.  Its presence, both captivating and ominous, wove a sense of awe among the creatures of the Garden, forever marking it as a being both beautiful and dangerous. 


Y'shua also fashioned a diverse array of terrestrial animals, each unique in appearance, size, and strength, according to their respective kinds. Adamah trembled as these new creatures emerged, their forms majestic and varied, filling the garden with movement and life.

Aravat, pleased with the creation of these beings, looked at His Son with great affection and pride. "Adam will be My Priest, My Prophet, My King over Adamah, and he will be My Mal'akh over terrestrial creation," Aravat declared, His words echoing the importance of the task ahead.

Y'shua turned to the Malakhim and proclaimed, "Today, a great miracle will unfold before our eyes. The likeness of Aravat, our Father of Creation, will be among us." Upon hearing this proclamation, the Malakhim were overcome with a sense of awe, their hearts trembling with reverence.

Their voices hushed as they whispered among themselves, contemplating the magnitude of what was to come. Shekinah, the embodiment of divine wisdom, gathered the raw materials needed to create Adam, the first man to walk on Adamah. With reverence and care, she handed these elements—sand, water, wind, rock, grass, and fire—to Y'shua, each representing a facet of creation.


Y'shua took the elements from His sister and, with a steady hand, skillfully mixed them together, forming a mound of moist clay that patiently awaited its transformation. The Malakhim watched in suspense and awe as Y'shua commenced His work. He began with the foundation of Adam's body—his bones. He took the element of rock, symbolizing strength and endurance, and molded it into the skeletal structure.

The bones were formed with the precision of a master craftsman, each one carefully shaped to provide the framework for the body. The sand was then gently pressed into the crevices of the bones, adding flexibility and lightness to the structure, ensuring that Adam's movements would be fluid and graceful.

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