Gavri'el's Fight_46

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Meanwhile, in the swirling mist of the obscured darkness of the sky, Suri'el and her army continued to fiercely battle the mythical monsters of Heyl'el. Mammon, one of Heyl'el's most loyal generals, charged with leading the newly-formed monsters created from Heyl'el's chaotic power, hovered above the chaotic scene, his gaze cold and calculating as he observed Suri'el's resistance.

With a menacing gesture, Mammon folded his wings and tore through the atmosphere, diving into the heart of Suri'el's army. His war axe, a massive weapon forged in the depths of chaos, swung with brutal force, cleaving through the ranks of the malakhim. "Breach their defense! Subdue the insects inside!" he bellowed with a voice that rumbled like thunder.

Gavri'el, battling high above with an army of his own, spotted the new threat. Without hesitation, he dove into action, skillfully maneuvering through the masses of enemies. "Keruvim, defend the Temple!" he commanded, his voice resonating with authority.

Legions of Keruvim, Ophanim, Chalkydri's, and Phoenixes swiftly responded, diving into combat to protect the Temple of Creation and eliminate Heyl'el's mystical monsters. The sky above the Temple became a battlefield of blazing wings and clashing weapons, the forces of light and darkness locked in a deadly struggle.

Suri'el noticed Gavri'el's arrival, and they met amidst the chaos. Exhausted but resolute, Suri'el found new vigor at the sight of Gavri'el and the reinforcements he brought. "It's about time you showed up," she remarked with a weary smile, her blade cutting down another foe.

"I was detained," Gavri'el responded with a wry grin. "Nevertheless, I am glad to see you, sister." He parried an attack from a monstrous beast, then smashed its skull with his mace. "Good, enough small talk. Let's get to work," he commanded, his eyes flashing with determination.

Suri'el and Gavri'el divided their troops, strategically attacking the monsters and driving them away from the Temple. Mammon, sensing their resistance, fell back momentarily, his frustration mounting. "Who do they think they are?" he growled, his grip tightening on his war axe.

With a savage roar, Mammon burst through the sea of combatant malakhim, effortlessly slaying dozens of Aravat's soldiers with a single swipe of his hellish weapon. "Come and taste my steel!" Mammon cried out, his voice filled with sadistic pleasure as he reveled in the carnage.

Gavri'el watched in awe and horror as he witnessed the destructive power of this fallen being's greed. "Mammon must be stopped, no matter the cost!" he whispered to himself, his resolve hardening. Fueling his righteous anger and determination, Gavri'el broke away from his flanks and launched a surprise attack on Mammon.

The two celestial beings clashed, their movements an intricate dance of death across the firmament. "It ends here, Mammon!" Gavri'el shouted, his voice echoing with the fury of a righteous warrior. Mammon, driven by rage, retaliated with equal force, his eyes burning with malevolent fire. The two adversaries grappled, their gazes locked in sheer abhorrence."Gavri'el! You are such a brave warrior, but a foolish one," Mammon laughed, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Look who's talking!" Gavri'el retorted, landing a powerful blow on Mammon's face. Mammon staggered back, but quickly countered by blasting Gavri'el with an energy beam from his hand. "Give it up, Gavri'el. You cannot win!" Mammon taunted, his voice filled with arrogance.

Gavri'el toppled head over heels but quickly regained his footing, determined to continue the fight. "We will see about that, you bastard!" Gavri'el yelled, his voice laced with defiance. In a swift motion, Mammon teleported himself behind Gavri'el, seizing him in a tight choke-hold.

"The kingdom is Heyl'el's!" Mammon pronounced, his grip tightening.

Gavri'el struggled desperately to free himself from Mammon's grasp. "We'll see," he gasped, his vision blurring as the pressure mounted. Mammon sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, how it pains me that you have to die!" he hissed, materializing a dagger from his thoughts and driving it into Gavri'el's side, twisting the blade cruelly. "Farewell, brother!" Mammon growled.

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