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"Please reschedule my 12 'o' clock meeting for 2, Call the Baxtons to get their complaints, Go through the files of the interviewees and bring the files of the top five most likely to get the job to my office by 1, and I'm having lunch by 3:30 with Mrs Streighton at Le Monde, please make reservations for that and send her the time and location once it's all set up"
Said Mr Davis as I was writing them all down in my notepad at a breakneck speed.

The amazing thing about being a Personal Assistant to the CEO of a big company is that you get used to writing a million things in a few seconds and also storing away more information in your head at the same time.

As I struggled to keep up with Mrs Davis's long strides he continued instructing me on what to do while he was at lunch with Mrs Streighton.
I wasn't really that surprised that he was clearing his whole schedule for a lunch with her because she is only available today and she is the number one most important account at Harem Security Agency, the second most famous and reliable security agency in the world although Mr Davis doesn't like to hear that he'd rather imagine that he wasn't second place to a guy whose company is half as old as HSA and whose CEO is younger than him.

Honestly I find it interesting that the CEO of our only actual competition is a young person because in this line of business time and experience are the best teachers.
Not only is he young but I have also never ever seen him before, not at important functions, or on TV getting interviewed, the profile that was written on him doesn't even have a picture! I believe that this gives me  the right to believe that he's some type of ghost because no one can achieve that!

When the hour for Mr Davis's departure arrives I accompanied him to the restaurant to make sure there are no issues in seating reservations.

The Le Monde is a really serene place and it also offers privacy to it's customers so once we walk in we leave our coats in the coat room and we are led to the reception by a man who's job is best described as a butler, and then I walk to the receptionists table where a lady is standing.

"Hello... Pamela" I said after reading her name tag subtly to be sure I had her full attention "good afternoon I'm Ms. Sanchez and I called some hours ago to make a reservation for 3:30pm  under the name of Mr. Davis" After a brief pause from her, obviously trying to figure out how I knew her name she recovered her professionalism and hid her surprise with a polite smile "Good afternoon Ms Sanchez, please wait while I confirm your reservation".
She begins typing on the keyboard in front of her "Could you please confirm the name you made a reservation under ma'am?" She says, looking at Mr Davis, who was too busy doing something on his phone to notice but clearly speaking to me.

At this point I'm a little disappointed by her total lack of self control even at work so I clear my throat lightly to make sure I still have her attention to which she responds by looking at me with a slight blush of embarrassment and the tips of her ears tinting pink while waiting for my response "I said, I made a reservation under the name of Davis" I repeated with a small smile to ease her discomfort and lighten the atmosphere, she clicks away on her keyboard for some time then she looks up at us again with her professional mask back in place saying "I've confirmed your reservation, you're at table number 13, please follow the man behind you as he shows you to the table" I quickly thank her and begin to follow the butler to our seats while quietly thanking the universe that I made a reservation thirty minutes earlier than the actual meeting time because now we only have fifteen minutes left before Mrs Streighton arrives.

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