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The opium made me forget, for just a moment, what I had become in service to the Lee pack. I forgot that I was an omega, a whore, a witch. I forgot the stench of the alphas in their ruts. I forgot their hands, grabbing and moving my body this way and that. I forgot what it felt like to be impaled on their cocks, ripped open, and fucked into until I was bleeding and raw. I forgot that I was Red Ruby Lee and became simply Ruby.

I sat back against the hay and closed my eyes. I was safe there in the loft above the stables. I was safe because the Peaky Blinders had welcomed me in their embrace. The Lees wouldn't touch me as long as I was with Charlie. I wouldn't let them touch me again.

Charlie Strong was my father, and he owned the salvage yard where the stables sat. He hadn't known I existed until that fateful night I escaped the Lee pack for the final time. I had shown up on his doorstep with a letter in my hand from my mother, explaining my orphanage. She had written it before she left for the war to be a nurse, just in case she didn't return – and she didn't. My three brothers didn't, either. All dead, taken by the Great War.

"Ruby!" Curly called.

I raised myself on my elbows and opened my eyes to peer at him. Curly stood, big and tall, inside the doorway of the stables.

"Ruby, Tommy's coming," Curly said. "Coming up the lane with Monaghan Boy."

The wood creaked beneath me as I stood and brushed off my trousers. Charlie didn't like me wearing trousers, but I had told him already that it made no sense for me to work in the salvage yard and wear a dress. In response, he had tried to get me to apply for the barmaid position at The Garrison, to which I had aptly refused. I had no interest in being anything other than what I was: a gypsy.

"Okay, Curly," I sighed. "I'll stable the horse, and you can get back to work, eh?"

Curly nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, Ruby." He turned back around and headed off toward the warehouse.

I almost fell as I crawled down the ladder from the loft, but at the last second, I managed to release my hold from the slide of the ladder and jump down onto the floor. With a head full of opium, my limbs were heavy and loose. Every movement took more effort than the last. I opened up Monaghan Boy's stall just as Tommy Shelby walked the horse through the entrance to the stables.

Tommy Shelby was a gypsy beauty sitting on top of Monaghan Boy. The alpha reminded me of the tall, lean, muscled statue of Apollo I had once seen in a picture book as a child. He was a pale man with creamy skin and a light spray of freckles over his high-cut cheekbones. He had a strong, solid jaw that I knew had taken more than its share of punches. His nose sat center in his face, above his perfect set of feminine lips where a cigarette perched precariously. A dark brow and long lashes adored the alpha's crystal-clear ocean eyes. His hair was shaved around his head, and his black quiff fell over the broad expanse of his forehead. He wore a flat cap that glinted with razor blades at the edges.

Tommy slipped easily from the horse's back, and I watched the way the alpha's black pants hugged his hips and arse as they rid up his legs. The omega inside crawled to get out, to strip those pants from his body and take him right in the stables, and I pushed her down deep inside of me. I wasn't Red Ruby anymore.

Together, Tommy and I guided Monaghan Boy into his stall.

"Have a nice ride, Mr. Shelby?" I asked, patting the horse's neck.

Tommy's blue-green eyes regarded me over the smooth back of Monaghan Boy. "I've told you to call me Tommy."

"Why should I?"

One of Tommy's dark eyebrows ticked up. "Because it's my name, and I've asked you to."

I nodded seriously. "Well, then, if Tommy says so, it must be done."

Peaky Girl (Peaky Blinders ABO Omegaverse Smut Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now