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My heat wasn't so bad yet that I was delirious enough to let John Shelby sleep in my nest, although I was almost sure he would have if I asked him. Still, I hadn't been too shy to let my inner omega win something. As John tucked me into bed, I pilfered his suit jacket, vest, and shirt and wove the different fabric through the nest of blankets and pillows around me. When I was satisfied the nest sufficiently smelled like John's unique cologne, I nestled inside and drifted off to sleep with John petting my back.

When I awoke, my entire body was stiff like my voodoo doll had been pierced with needles and thrown around and bent every which way until none of my organs would ever feel intact again.

I was no longer sure I wanted to suffer through my heat alone. I had done it before, but only a day at a time. Never had two days passed before I reached some sort of vile release at the harsh hands of Lee alphas in a rut. This heat tore through me like a tornado, ripping to shreds anything and everything in its wake, and I didn't know if I would make it through the second day before I was begging John to ease the pain.

I hoped he had enough restraint to resist going into a rut. Once an alpha did, you never knew what they were capable of.

*Hands stained red with my blood smeared it across my thighs as the alpha shoved my legs open. He positioned his hips beneath mine and drove home into my bloody entrance.*

A pounding on the front door startled me from my memories. I had been curled up inside the nest of the canopied bed, but I rose to a sitting position, eyes flying around the room for some sort of weapon. In undressing the night before, I had set the knife that I usually kept hidden in my boot on the nightstand. I snatched it from its place and brandished it in front of me, searching for the enemy.

The floor in front of my bedroom creaked, and the door, which was slightly ajar, pushed open slightly. John's green eyes raked over my exhausted, panicked form, and his blonde eyebrows bunched together, his original purpose forgotten as rumors clicked together in his head like puzzle pieces. Damn it. Curse my shellshock for giving me away. I lowered the knife.

"You slept most of the day," John informed me.

There was another pounding at the door, and my shoulders jumped to my ears. I cowered against the headboard from the sound.

"It's Ada at the door. She called over while you were asleep, said she was bringing some of your things from Charlie's."

I nodded my understanding.

John didn't move. He ignored another round of loud knocking, but I bristled and tensed at the uncomfortable beat of the noise in my ears, all too aware of his intelligent green eyes trained on me. "Are you all right, angel?"

"I feel like a train ran me over." The Romani spilling from my lips surprised me, but then again, it always arose when I was at my most exhausted. I yanked the blanket around myself, letting the familiar language flow from my throat. "And I'm fucking freezing."

"It must be the fever. Is it getting worse?" John switched to our gypsy language easily.

"The nightmares don't help," I admitted. I wondered if he had heard me thrashing in the night, but by the surprise buried in the grass of his eyes, I knew I was wrong. No – Despite my request for space the night before, he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from coming to me if he knew what plagued my dreams. I missed my opium.

Ada knocked loudly at the door downstairs. "Let me in, you fucker!"

This time, I nearly hit my head on one of the posts of the wooden headboard. I cursed. "What are you waiting for, John, an excusal? Go let Ada in."

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