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I barely made it to Watery Lane. As the rain started, I hobbled down the street, clutching my arms around me as I trusted my weak and aching legs not to let me fall in the mud. The pain was worst in my core, where my empty womb clenched tightly with wave after wave of sharp cramps like knives stabbed into my center. My face pulsed with the sharp red pain of Campbell's blow. He must have cut me with the ring that flashed in the light as he'd hit me because blood streaked from my cheek into my mouth. My jaw was stiff and locked from where he'd grabbed me, and my wrists were bruising a bright purple from the cuffs. The pain was so intense all over my body that I didn't quite make it to the door of number 6.

Hissing with the effort of breathing, I slumped onto my knees in front of the Shelby apartments. I gritted my teeth and tried to stand to no avail. I could barely feel my legs.

"Come the fuck on, Ruby," I swore to myself in Romani. I needed to find one of the brothers, get the message to Tommy and tell him what Campbell knew.

The door next to number 6 opened, and through blurry vision, I watched John Shelby step outside. In moments, he was at my side, taking my ruined body up into his arms like I was a gypsy bride.

"I've got you, angel, I've got you," John said to me. "Let's get you inside."

I grasped at the lapels of John's suit from where he held me to his chest. "John. Tommy – get Tommy."

"Let's get you inside," John repeated firmly.

I expected John to deposit me on the long thin couch in the living room by the entrance, but instead, he carted me up the stairs toward the bedrooms. John wedged open a door at the end of the narrow hallway upstairs, and I gasped. It was a small, dark room mostly filled with a bed that had a large oaken frame and was covered with drapes that parted to reveal a soft bed topped with expensive pillows. There was little other furniture in the room, and the windows were shaded with a thick dark fabric to block the light from sensitive omega eyes.

John's arms retreated from me, and I reached out, clinging to his suit jacket.

John smiled, and his green eyes lit up. I felt clingy, but he was pleased. "I'm going downstairs to call Tommy. You wanted to see him, right?"

I nodded viciously, shaking my thick red locks around my face. "Campbell. Need to talk to Tommy about Campbell."

"Okay, angel." John smoothed my hair behind my ears. He pressed a kiss to the top of my sweaty forehead. "I'll be right back."

I listened to John's heavy footsteps as he rushed downstairs to the phone I guessed was sitting in the kitchen, if it was in the same spot as the apartment next door. With aching limbs heavy like lead, I slipped off my boots. Then I curled in on myself on top of the bed, shivering as a cold sweat sheared across my body.

Despite the pain that soaked through my skin like rain, the rubbing of my thighs together pressed the thick crotch of my trousers against the waiting heat of my cunt beneath my bloomers. I felt myself grow wet at the contact and feared I would drown in the puddle of slick that stained my bloomers before John had a chance to scale the stairs.

It felt like hours, time slowed as I curled up by myself with only the pain to keep me company. Then John slid into the bed behind me, dragging me closer into his fiery embrace. He was hot, so hot. His hands secured around my stomach, and I tangled my fingers with his, holding him closer to me. John was large and strong, and the scent of his ember arousal slid down my throat. He pressed the full length of his clothed cock against my arse, and I wiggled back into him.

John's voice was husky with lust, and gooseflesh rose on my skin as he breathed against the exposed curve of my ear. "I know what you need, baby. Can you wait until you talk to Tommy?"

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