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Seokjin visits Jungkook the following day to let him know that he is leaving for America. When he rang the doorbell, Mrs. Lee answered and welcomed him inside. "Where was Jungkook", he inquired. However, the elderly woman told him that the jeons had departed for the airport three hours earlier. He enquired as to why. "Did you not know that Jungkook was leaving for New Zealand today to follow Miss Jennie? " She asked him a question in return. Oh, I forgot; Thank you, Mrs. Lee. I'm heading out. He went back to his place and gave Taehyung a call to book the ticket and they were leaving the next day.

He was saddened by the news; he couldn't figure out what went wrong with their friendship. He's putting the blame on himself for falling in love with his best friend . If only he could control it and bring it to stop. Perhaps their story will never end like this. The pain is unbearable. He longs to cry uncontrollably and turn everything back to how it was before it all went wrong—before the worst.

Before the worst  (Jinkook) (Taejin)Where stories live. Discover now