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☆ 32. Chapter 31

Chapter 31

??17 reached out and touched the dragon's head, "Don't worry, your level is too low now, you will grow up in the future."

Qi Yue looked down at him, suddenly a little relieved, the elder brother is really getting more and more understanding now His mind was gone. He didn't even need to speak, the elder brother knew what was bothering him. Even though he was seriously injured, he still ran over to comfort him. What kind of fairy and good brother is he!

??He bent over and lowered his head.

??Touch, touch, feel free to touch if you like, don't be polite to your brothers.

??17 patted his head and withdrew his hand, "It's time to go. The fog in the town has disappeared, and it was discovered soon." ??

"Don't you need to take a rest?"

??Qi Yue asked on his cell phone.

??It's a pity that after being promoted to level 2, he still can't speak.

??17 shook his head, grabbed a low-level extraordinary nodule from the bag and threw it into his mouth, "I can just eat this."

??Qi Yue nodded and changed back to his human form.

??He will never expose his ugly and cute abilities to outsiders before he reaches the next level.

??The two picked out a few clothes in the clothing store and put them on before planning to leave the town.

??Qi Yue was worried about 17's health, so he planned to carry him away. As a result, 17 strongly protested, and in the end, he carried 17 outside.

??After leaving the town and returning to the gas station, Qi Yue first filled up the gas in the car, then reversed and started walking back.

??As a result, they didn't go very far when they bumped into Su Jian and his party who were heading towards the town.

??"Great, it's been half a month, you are finally out, everyone is worried to death~"

??Su Jian pinched her throat, raised her orchid fingers, still smelling of artificiality.

??Half a month?

??Is it possible that the gray fog also has some kind of space magic, and the time flow rate inside is different from that outside?

?? Qi Yue thought and jumped out of the car. Then he ran to the other side of the car, and before he could do anything, 17 jumped out on his own.

??After seeing 17's appearance, he was obviously stunned, "Little brother, have you learned the magic of rejuvenation? Can you teach me?"

??"Tell those behind you who don't want to die to stay away , we are zombies." 17 said calmly.

??Qi Yue nodded in agreement, that is, if he looks so delicious and still approaches the zombies, isn't he deliberately tempting the zombies to make mistakes?

??Su Jian saw that 17's face was wrong, so she didn't dare to ask any more questions. She waved her hand to tell the robbers behind her to stay away.

??Those robbers were eager to stay away from the two zombies. If they were not forced by Su Jian's threat, they would not get close to the zombies.

??When everyone else retreated a hundred meters away, Su Jian couldn't wait to say, "As soon as I noticed that the gray mist was gone, I knew you were coming out, so I hurried over to pick you up. I don't know if you can make this trip." It went well. Did you find my dear?"

I was a zombie in the end of the dayWhere stories live. Discover now