Chapter 1: Return

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Chapter 1: Return

The fist swung at me and I had just enough time to morph my watch into a thin shield to protect my face. The man staggered back, his fist in pain from punching the metal. I followed up with a spinning kick and shot for his legs, grabbing them and taking the man down. After we both hit the mat I pulled myself on top of him and morphed the shield into a sharp blade, aimed at his throat. 

The man laughed. "Good work Danny, you've been practicing that kick huh?"

I grinned and dismounted him before helping him up. "I've tried."

The man was Isaiah Quinn, a Warrior Disciple who'd been given the task of training my fighting skills for the past year. He was a completely bald, thin Asian man with biceps bigger than my head. He wore only thin gloves and a pair of shorts so you could see his countless tattoos. They covered him, crawling up around his calves, disappearing under his shorts and making a reappearance to wind up his rugged 8-pack and back, curling around his tiny white wings. They parted ways at his shoulders, some continuing up his neck and onto his head and some creeping down his arms. They were all black and unless you concentrated really hard you couldn't make out what most of them were.

Despite his look, Isaiah was one of the nicest men I've ever met. He had a boyfriend on the Disciples' HQ base who specialized in healing. He probably worked with Hope.

All of us except Jackson had come to live at HQ for the year Jackson was away, and tomorrow I was finally gonna meet up with him. I staggered off the mat and sat down at a bench. We were in a private training facility Isaiah had been using to tutor me in fighting and mastering my power. He walked over and sat down next to me, checking his watch,

"90 Minutes of you going ham bro." He grinned.

I smiled, in a thoroughly good mood because I was picking up Jackson from the airport tomorrow. "Thanks sir." I said through a swig of gatorade. 

"It's 9:00 now." Isaiah said, packing his gloves into his gym bag and putting on a shirt. "If you have to be out at 6 AM tomorrow you better think about catching some Z's."

I shook his hand and slung my bag over my shoulder, then walked out, my mind excited with seeing Jackson. The expedition was strictly a no-technology zone and the last letter I'd received was from a couple weeks ago saying they just needed one piece for the artifact to work. 

I walked along a path that led to the "barracks" which were basically a luxury hotel. I began hiking the stairs to where Becka, Parker, Hope, Nic, Michael, Angel, Vanessa and I stayed. We all had individual rooms that were basically suites. Angel and Vanessa had been getting trained in mastering their "Disciple powers", Nic was studying to use his smarts to his advantage, Parker was learning how to take better, stronger control of robots, Hope was learning how to heal and Becka was training how to master the bullshit that she shot out of her hands. 

I walked up to my door and thrust the key card in, then pushed open the handle. I had a queen sized bed facing a tv with a nightstand on either side. Connected were two rooms: a bathroom and an "office". The office was little more than a desk, chair and window when I moved in but Angel had helped me move in a leather recliner and ping pong table. The bathroom had a bath/shower and sink. The sink counter had my mouthwash, floss and toothbrush, and a shit ton of Becka's stuff from her staying the night several times. 

I dropped my bag and went to take a shower, squinting through the hot water to tell my Old Spice and Becka's Dove. I hummed to myself Centuries by Fall Out Boy as I showered, remembering it was Delilah's favorite song. She would, of course, be remembered for centuries. 

I emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist and a toothbrush dangling out of my mouth. I almost choked on it when I saw Becka laying on my bed in a sports bra and shorts. 

"What's up Danny?" She said, not looking up from the magazine she was reading.

I finished brushing my teeth. "Hey there."

After returning the toothbrush to the bathroom I pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and an old t-shirt. 

Becka put her magazine down and closed her eyes. "I can't wait to see Jackson tomorrow."

I smiled. "Yeah, is that party still happening?"

She grinned and nodded, her eyes still closed. I couldn't help but notice how good, how mature, she looked. I flicked off the lights and crawled into bed next to her. 

After a minute or so I said "Soo... Is this gonna end in sex?"

Becka cuddled up next to me. "You've gotta be up bright and early tomorrow Danny."

"I could-"

"Goodnight Danny." 

Her voice was firm but I could tell she was trying not to laugh.

"Goodnight Becka."


Ten hours later I was behind the wheel of an old Ford Fiesta, my only passenger an extra large cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee. 

Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song blasted from the radio and I joyfully screamed along with it. The weather outside was phenomenal as I pulled up to the airport, waiting. 

It was a few moments before the doors opened and a crowd of passengers flooded out, meeting up with their rides. It took me a minute to recognize Jackson, walking through wearing a floral bucket hat and carrying two suitcases. He'd gotten at least two inches taller and had grown a golden scruffy beard.

I got out of the car and hugged him tight.

"DUDE!" He shouted. "I MISSED YOU!!!" 

I laughed as we let go. "I missed you too bro." 

I popped open the trunk and helped him put the luggage in.

"How's it been?" I asked as he got in the passenger seat. 

"Amazing, the Expedition was a huge success." Jackson said, leaning back in the seat.

"So you can bring Delilah and Abigail back?" I asked, beginning to drive. 

He screwed up his face. "We need the last part, some of us are staying in South America to scope it out but our guess is it's in a museum somewhere."

"I'm sure they'll find it." I said, a little disappointed. 

He shrugged. "You and Becka still going strong?"

I nodded, pulling the car off the highway and onto a dirt road that I'd taken to get here.

"You fucked yet?" He said with a devilish smile on his face.

I blushed. "Yeah a few times." 

He laughed. "How is it?"

"Pretty freaking good." I said, smirking.

"Man when we bring Delilah back I wanna make a sex tape." Jackson said.

I laughed hard. "Are you serious man?"

He shrugged. "We could be the next Kim and Kanye."

We both laughed and there was a sudden bang and a jolt. The car skidded for a second and I hit the brake.

"The fuck was that?" Jackson said.

I grunted. "Sounds like a flat." I opened the door and crouched down next to the deflated tire. 

I squinted at the broken rubber and saw something shiny. "What the-"

My thought was interrupted as the window next to me shattered, glass flying everywhere. 

Jackson and I instinctively hit the dirt. He crawled over to me and plucked the shiny metal out of the tire. A bullet.

Someone was shooting at us.

Alright bitches let's get this finale on the road!!!!!!!! 

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