~Chapter two~

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*two hours later*

Maybe it was the way Julia said that Kylie and Harry were expected to be together but I find myself wanting to get more information on this mysterious boy with the curly hair. I really do like him but something tells me that he will never like me, I mean I'm not some slut that he likes to get with nor am I hot like all those other girls. But hey a girl can dream

Since school is now over and after my daydreaming in science class about Harry I start to walk home by myself because Julia disappeared after track and I couldn't find her anywhere. Once I was about 5 minutes from home I see Kylie and her group of friends start to walk up to me out of nowhere. Oh great just what I need

"what do u want" I spit "I saw you talking to my boyfriend earlier today" she says "And, what's the big deal he dropped his ball and came to pick it up all I did was say hi why do you even think he likes u so much ur such a whore a boy like Harry shouldn't be dating a girl like your self oh and seriously it's my first day leave me alone"

With that I left her absolutely speechless walking away with her hideous posey,  hey a girl has to defend there selves here and there.

Once I get home I go upstairs to my room and start to open up all the boxes I have my stuff in from my old house and start to unpack all my shit. There are a lot of things that are in that box that remind me of bad memories sometimes I just don't know why those kinds of things happened to me.

I'm never opening up to anybody ever again.

I wanna puke at the memory of me being tortured by several girls at a time, who knew people could be so mean, especially to a 12 year old and that's only when it all started.

So far this new beginning has been great I have a new friend that actually likes me and Harry seems to be nice and Niall he's great no wonder why julia likes him and luckily he's single Oooh julia.

"ding,ding" "coming" I yell going down the stairs to get the door. oh YAY! it's julia "hi" she says full of joy "hey what's up" "nothing" she says "would u like to come inside nobody's home right now we can watch a movie or something" I suggest "sure sounds good" she steps in

"take a seat on the couch if you would like to" I say politely "thanks" "no problem" I say smiling "ok so what do u wanna watch?" I ask "well I was thinking of maybe a comedy or a scary movie". "Ooh how about we watch ouija" "ok I'll go get some snacks while you put in the dvd" I said "alright"

I go into the kitchen and grab popcorn from the cabinet and let it pop in the microwave oven then, I grabbed two glasses for soda (sprite after all were only 17).After the microwave dinged signaling that the popcorn was ready I grabbed a big bowl and put the popcorn inside.

I walked back into the living room seeing that the movie had already started. As I sat down next to her I grabbed a blanket so I could hide under it just Incase I get scared and plopped the popcorn bowl right in the middle of us.

A half an hour into the movie I'm already ready to pee myself.

Making the scary situation worse I heard a freaky alien like sound, which made me jump out of my seat. "sorry just a text" julia laughed "oh i-its alright" I say still startled.

After she reads her recent text her eyes widen with excitement.

"omg Sydney I have great news" she says with a lot of enthusiasm "what?" I ask with curiosity "Niall just invite you and I to go to a party at his house on Friday, would you want to go with me?" she asks pleading me with puppy dog eyes

"oh I, I don't know" I say unsure of what could happen "please" she pouts "you know what fine sounds like fun" I smile "yes, your the best" she hugs me so tight I almost can't breath.

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