chapter 00.

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T H E   W O U N D S   I N F L E C T E D
R U N   D E E P E R

T I M E   C O U L D   N O T   H I D E   S C A R S
H I S   O W N   B L O O D   R E N D E R E D

His body sank into the waters.

His eyes snapped open.

Let the waters heal you.

Shivaay closed his eyes. He can do this. He is not afraid. He let himself sunk deeper. All he could hear was the ripping of waves and nothing else.

If it has taken, it will return too.

It can't return what has been taken. He will never be able to get it back. The scars thatbhe was rendered with never heal again.

It is said end is the new beginning.

His end has already come. It was about time that he spread his wings again.

True faces.

Shivaay stared at the people in front of him. Ones whom he called his own family. And also the ones who broke him, piece by piece before throwing him off to the vultures ready to scavenge.

He had considered them his life. If there was one true thing that the world knew about him, it was that he would not hesitate to give his own life or take one for them.

He was their shield. One they pulled apart by their own hands.

Or words.

He watched, satisfaction washing over him. As he stared ahead. Dice have turned and it was their turn to suffer.

The Oberoi Mansion burned in the fire that he had wallowed deep inside. The fire burned down the pride they held over their integrity.

The company was dragged beneath, along with the dirt. Just like the hopes they had.

And he just stood there watching. The pleas falling on dead ears. Like years ago. The coin has been flipped.

He didn't care anymore.

This were the very people because of whom he have become, what he was now.

He had paid for their sins.

They snatched his everything.

His voice.

His soul.

All gone.

The world that he had created, with his own blood, tears and sweat. Which kept them shielded away from the harms was now gone.

And now they are to suffer his wrath. 

It was about time that he reminded the world that he was still, The Shivaay Singh Oberoi. It was time to bring that fear back.


H A L F   T R U T H S   A R E
D A N G E R O U S   L I E S

She was betrayed. Many times. Countless.

She was used everytime, to assure the prestige of the family, she was compromised. Always.

Now, when things were going the right way. She couldn't help but to hold on that hope for longer. But it was ephemeral.

The hope soon shattered.

And this time it was her self respect and integrity at stake. That's the only thing she has always had. She's not going to lose them too.

Forgiveness wasn't her weakness. But rather her strength. Up until now she has let everything slide. Every mistake. Every betrayal aside.

She has forgotten who she was.

She was Annika.

But not anymore.

She will break the jinx.

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