Chapter 06.

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S,S U B L I M E   A N D   D E A D L Y

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S,
S U B L I M E   A N D   D E A D L Y

don't dive deep
or you might drown

"How is he?" Arjun asked Priyanka.

Priyanka looked up from her cup she was holding in her hands. Her eyes following his as he was watching Shivaay listening to his wife's rant with childlike wonder. It looked so innocent.

"To be honest, not good." And her expression conveyed the sadness she had been holding deep inside. "Give it time, Priyanka. Nothing heals in a snap of fingers. Not those he has faced." He spoke. There was sadness lingering on her face.

"He is losing his faith."

"Look again. He have lost it long ago." Priyanka spoke.

Shivaay heard the stories that Jagriti spoke with his nose wrinkled. He was wondering why he was hearing her stories about how the curd tasted with omelette. His face scrunched up as he imagined the taste.

"Oh, it tastes good." When she saw his face. "But not as good as that aam ka achar on tangerines. Do you want some of them? I can bring you some—" And Shivaay knew he must depart or else he might gag imagining those tastes.

Realising Shivaay's horrors Arjun came to his rescue. "Ritu——I think that's enough for him. Right, Shivaay?" He nodded immediately.

Priyanka shook her head. She looked around. Her eyes stung a little. But she managed to smile. She felt Shivaay's eyes on her. Looking at her intently. 'I am fine.' She mouthed. Yes, it hurt her. But she was used to live with it now. It happened long in the past. She should get over it. Unconsciously her hands came to touch her own stomach. She felt her brother's hands interwining with her owns. The tremblings made her tear up once again. She found herself being lead outside to the trees for privacy. Not wanting to spoil the mood of the happy couple.

A hand wiped her own tears. And she found herself being enveloped in the familiar hug. Surrounded by her brother's warmth and protectiveness. The hold was not as strong as before but it was there.

Jagriti stopped Arjun from interrupting them. Both of them stared at them worriedly.

They both were broken to their cores.


Annika was sitting in her room quietly. Sahil's holidays just got over and he was back in the boarding school. And now she was left alone this house all alone. She thought she should have been fine. That she will get used to this loneliness after all these years but to her surprise she always found her mind wandering over to the memories.

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