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Frederick looked at Zack for a few seconds after hearing his words, he had forgotten about it for a moment. The infected mostly acted like beings without brains and without control. Frederick bowed his head slightly.

- Of course.. -

Frederick sighed lightly, looking for a way to explain, but how would he explain something that he didn't even know? Zack looked at him with a serious expression on his face, waiting to hear an answer he could believe.

- The thing is.. I don't even know how to answer that -

- Are you serious right now? -

- Okay, okay.. I know how it sounds, but I'm serious! I don't understand it either, somehow I managed to retain my consciousness... I guess, I don't know what to call it but. Don't you think i would have attacked you instead of talking to you?If I were infected like the majority, that is, without control.. -

Frederick sighed again, nervous as Zack still pointed the knife at him, but a few seconds passed in silence and Zack finally lowered his arms looking at him, still serious. He looked over the shelf hoping that the dog had already left there and fortunately they could no longer see or hear him, so Zack sighed and walked away from Frederick towards the exit.

- Okay fine, whatever you say Frederick -

- Wait where are you going now? -

- Anywhere else far from here, to look for food... alone. I do not trust you -

- Oh.. yeah sure.. Bye, I guess..? -

- Bye. -

- ( How cold.. )

Fred watched Zack go in a different direction, he assumed that it would be better to go in the opposite direction and thus avoid meeting each other again, although that city was quite small since everything had been mostly destroyed and burned by the chaos.

It wasn't too far to get dark, so Fred headed to his little place, a small house that had been abandoned but was in decent state; Fred had turned it into his little home, with fabrics he found lying around and a mattress in good condition, as well as some chairs and ropes, where he could sleep. The mattress lying on the floor and the chairs surrounding it, he tied the longer blankets on the chairs and thus covered the surroundings and above the mattress, like a small improvised camping tent and the smaller cloths were on the mattress to give it warmth and serve as a blanket, it was comfortable and warm to sleep there. There was also their pet, Oreo, a small white cat that had recently been infected so his black spots were small. They both lay down on the mattress and tried to rest.

On the other hand, Zack was still outside, he was alone since he lost his previous group or rather, they kicked him out of the group, they used to have a lot of disagreements with Zack so the majority of votes made him leave, he was always moving from one place to another. other. This time he sat near an alley with a bonfire to eat something, and he was at peace but he kept thinking about his old "friends."

- Well, who needs them anyway... -

A few seconds later he sighed, complaining in frustration and talking to himself.

- Argh! Who am I kidding, doing this alone is the worst... -

He covered his face with both hands, sighing, he remembered the boy from before, Frederick, who had seemed friendly to him but Zack ignored him. Zack decided to try to take a nap but the treacherous weather didn't let him, it started to rain and seemed to be a strong storm. The worst thing about the rain was the cold, the cold used to attract more unwanted animals and infected people to the area.

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