Chapter 7

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*meanwhile in the Decepticon warship*

"Are you meaning to tell me that couldn't retrieve the relic Knockout!?" Megatron yelled at Knockout, his voice thundering across the room.

"That's not exactly what I meant, my liege. What I meant was... um.... Alright I give up. That's exactly what I meant," Knockout raised his arms to surrender.

"The relic seemed to be coming from a human. She was with Bulkhead's human pet and I managed to corner them and almost snagged the relic if it weren't for the pesky autobot that knocked me out. And worse, he scratched my paint! Anyways, I tried to follow them but got hit again and when I woke up, I lost sight of them," Knockout continued. Megatron gave him a look that could kill.

If Cybertronians could sweat, Knockout would already fill up three bathtubs.

A laughter was heard from aside.

"You really are pathetic, Knockout. I mean, how hard is it really to retrieve a simple relic from a human child, after all this while battling autobots to get it, getting shot and blown at? All you had to do was taken it from her grasp and retreat! It isn't that difficult," Starscream mocked. Knockout had no word.

"I find myself in rare accord with Starscream this time. It appears the absence of your fellow comrade has left you vulnerable, predictable, and less effective. As consequence, you're suspended from missions until further notice. Do you understand, Knockout?" Megatron scolded, locking eyes with the medic who was trying to not make eye contact.

Knockout hung his head in shame and nodded. "Understood, my liege"
He walked away back to doing whatever he was doing before being called upon this mission.

"Due to Knockout's unsuccessful mission, Starscream, the responsibility falls to you to retrieve the relic. But know this, should you falter like Knockout, my displeasure will be far greater, and your consequences far harsher. Take whatever time necessary, but ensure success," Megatron commanded Starscream.

The seeker's eyes widened in surprised and hesitantly tried to find an excuse to get out of it, but nothing came out. He just smiled.

"Don't worry my liege. I guarantee that I will return successful," he promised. Megatron just nodded once and left the room.

"Soundwave, pinpoint the whereabouts of this human holding the relic. I intend to utilize it to vanquish Megatron and assert dominion over Earth, my way," he smirked, his cunning evident.


"Wake up"


"Stay strong"

I see nothing but darkness.

A familiar voice came from it. It sounded faded. Like a ghost. Chills went down my spine.

"You will live"


Sure enough, a woman appeared in front of me, looking like an angel. She was glowing and nearly blinded me. I covered my eyes to shield myself

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I could make out the figure.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. She held out her hands.

I burst into tears at the sight of my own mother and ran into her arms.

I no longer felt cold as the warmth of her hug made me feel relaxed and safe.

I hugged her tightly and buried my face in her chest as tears ran down my cheeks.

I missed her so much.

"Erin, honey. I know it's rough out there," she whispered to me as we separated. She placed both of her hands on either of my shoulders.

"I know the world had been nothing but cruel to you. I know you are trying your best to survive. And you must. And you will," she started, her voice choking.

I immediately shook my head.

No purpose.

No will.

No life.

"Please honey. You are very brave and I admire you. You are really strong. But baby, I saw the new friends you have made and know that they will protect you with all their life. Because I once worked with them. Four years ago. Remember that time I was away for a year? Well, it was too work with them. I never told you this, but my job was an agent. Military. One of the many reasons we travelled the world; for my job as well. The relic around your neck is powerful. They gave it to me for safekeeping, in which I gave to you."

I shook my head in disbelief.

She knew the autobots?

She was an agent in the military?

"I'm so sorry your father finally revealed his true colours. The truth is, he was always like this. He always abused me. Before you were born and two years after. But I promised him I will not tell the police about it if he doesn't involve you or Evan, or even make you know. That's why every evening Evan room you out for walks. He has fed you many lies about loving me, but it is all false. He made an excuse to abuse you as he has very severe anger issues "

I took a step back. I covered my mouth as tears continued spilling.

There was so much more to her.

I could've found out.

Before she died.

"I need you to live. Imagine your friend, Jack's devastation. Imagine your new friends. Imagine Evans devastation. Be brave. Be strong. And when you do, kill your father. He deserves it. Get revenge and justice. Join with the autobot team. Don't reject their offer to help you. Don't reject any help. Because in the end, there are people to help you. Where your father can't hurt you," she firmly gripped my shoulder and wiped away my tears. She looked at me with pure determination.

She put her hand on my cheek as I rested my head on it and placed my hand on top of her hand.

"Please baby. I know you can do it. Right now, I know you're in a lot of pain. I know your wound is slowly killing you. I cannot help you heal your wound, but I can give you the strength to stand up and fight. Once you get out of there, seek immediate medical attention. You must need it," she started to fade into the darkness.


I can't lose her again.

I grabbed my mom's hand. I mouthed the words *please don't go*.

"Don't worry baby. I'll always be inside your heart," she smiled and continued to fade.

There was nothing in front of me but darkness.


A/N: sorry for making really short chapters. That's why I try to post one chapter a day, so you won't miss out.

Thank you!

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