Chapter 23

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The Autobots arrived at the designated meeting point, a vast, open plain surrounded by towering mountains. They had prepared for this moment, creating fake versions of the relics, thanks to Ratchet's expertise, and a diversion to throw the Decepticons off their trail.

As they approached the meeting point, they saw the Decepticons waiting, Starscream sneering at them from atop a nearby hill.

"Ah, Autobots," Starscream taunted. "I see you've brought the relics. How... thoughtful of you."

Optimus Prime stepped forward, his voice firm. "We're not here to play games, Starscream. Where are Jack and Erin?"

Starscream chuckled. "Oh, they're safe... for now. But don't worry, you'll be joining them soon enough."

With a signal, the Decepticons charged, their weapons blazing. The Autobots retaliated, their own weapons firing back.

The battle raged on, the two sides clashing in a frenzy of metal and sparks.

"Arcee! Retrieve the humans!" Optimus instructed. Arcee nodded, and due to her stealthy and slim body, she was able to sneak off without anyone noticing. She went deeper into the forest, in hopes of searching the two children.

Soon, she managed to spot two human-like figures. They were laying still on the ground, motionless. Arcee sighed in relief and went to help them.

"Jack, Erin! Are you both okay?" She moved closer, but they were unresponsive. As light shined upon them, Arcee gasped.

They were tricked.

In place of the two teens, were two human dummies. Arcee took a step back in shock and hurriedly ran back to the battlefield.

"Optimus! We've been tricked! They're not here!" Arcee shouted. That made everyone stop. Starscream smirked.

Optimus hesitated, unsure of what to do. Were they fighting to save their human friends, or were they just destroying innocent decoys?

The Decepticons took advantage of the confusion, launching a fierce counterattack.

The Autobots stumbled back, their lines wavering.

A deadly silence cast upon both sides.

*Erin POV*

Jack and I glumly sat in our cell, silently praying that the Decepticons would come in any minute and take us to the Autobots.

I couldn't believe Optimus would surrender the Iacon relics, the relics which they worked so hard to get, all for two measly human lives.

I sighed, thinking that maybe I should've given my necklace to the autobots for safekeeping. If not, Jack and I wouldn't be here.

I don't know if I could take any more of this suffering. Part of me wishes for it to all end right here, right now.

I'm sure I could go at least a week without food or water, because I've had practice. Not sure if that's such a good thing. I don't know about Jack though.

Maybe I'm overreacting. It's only been a few hours since we were captured. The autobots will rescue us in no time. I hope.

But the question still remains: how did we survive the explosion?

I have a feeling that it's something related to my necklace. I mean, it seemed like the only possible reason. But how?

A shield maybe?

Or maybe did the Decepticons took us before the explosion? I shook away that thought, as I remembered hearing an explosion while passing out, and not being taken.

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