~Summer Plans~

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Caroline took one last look at her self in the mirror. She nodded softly to herself as she made sure everything was perfect. She threw her perfectly done curls over her shoulder, and twirled to see her nice yellow sundress and denim jacket mixed with one of her favorite pairs of black boots. She smiled widely feeling like today had the potential to be good day, and she was going to make the most of it.

She moved away from the mirror and took a seat at her white vanity throwing on a little mascara and some eyeliner, of course making sure it look perfect. She puts the eye liner down as she gets a ping from her phone. She reaches into the pocket of her denim jacket taking her phone out and looking at the screen.

             BESTIE B: Hey Care, you on your way?

She texted out a yea to her best friend and jumped up from her vanity. She made sure to  grab her bag and her keys and then left her room. She went down the stairs and did a quick scan to see if her mother was there, seeing she wasn't there she quickly checked into her room. Seeing she wasn't there either Caroline figured she was already at work which is where she usually was now a days. She sighed remembering that she hardly even see's her mother anymore because of how much work she had. Caroline went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle a little upset that she was not able to see her mother before leaving for the day. 

After closing the fridge with water bottle in hand Caroline left the house and the sun poured over her, casting a glow from her curls and lighting up her blue eyes. She smiled softly as the warm breeze greeted her and she took a second to soak up the sunlight and the great weather. After her nice moment she got in her car and drove to the grill to meet with her friends.

Once she pulled into the grills parking lot she saw her friends cars there already. She parked the car and hopped out and walked into the Grill where she saw Bonnie and Elena sat at a table. Both the girls smiled and gave a wave as they saw Caroline enter.

"Well if it isn't my two best friends!" Caroline smiled widely as she took a seat with her two friends. So what are you guys up too today minus this, it is summer break after all and the weather is making our skin glow!

Bonnie and Elena laugh at her enthusiastic tendencies. The girls were just happy they had time to catch up and chat and there was no drama going on weighing their moods down. Bonnie speaks up first "I have to help my grams all day with some of her, Witchy Stuff". She rolls her eyes as she says the words. Caroline giggles slightly, "good to know she hasn't given up on all that witchy stuff".

Elena giggles along with the other girls then answers with her plans for the day, "Aunt Jenna has put me on Jermey watch so i'll be doing that all day". The girls nod in understanding. Caroline looks over to Elena. "How has Jermey been doing by the way"? Elena shrugs softly in response. "He's just being Jermey but I think he's doing okay, he really doesn't talk to me." The other girls nod at her understanding that Jermey's actions and behavior have been weighing down their friend a bit. 

Caroline looks past Elena and see's a semi cute guy who was staring at the table. He's not that bad looking she thinks to herself. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes from what she could see at the table. She thinks about it for a moment before deciding she needed to at least try to have some fun this summer and let things go a bit.

She nods as the other girls have to go attend to their set schedules for the day, they grab their bags from the table waving Caroline goodbye before they both leave the Grill. This is when Carline decides its time for her to take a chance, besides it wouldn't kill her. She stands up making her way over to the guy she noticed staring at the table earlier. 
"Hey I was wondering if I could get your number"? She tries to keep her voice confident. The guy looks slightly hesitant but he writes down a number and hands it to her smiling slightly.

Caroline notices but decides to ignore it and takes the number. She takes her leave and exits the Grill, she gets into her car and drives back home. Maybe I should throw a party or something. She thinks to herself bored already without the presence of her two best friends. She groans to herself as she thinks of trying to get to throw a party without her mom breathing down her neck, but since she's been at work all the time it may be a little easier for her to get away with it. She gets out of her car and makes her way into her house. She notices that the lights are all off and that her mother is still at work. Caroline walks into the kitchen setting her bag and keys down onto the table before opening the fridge and looking for something to eat. She decides to heat up some left overs moving from the kitchen into her bedroom. 

The hours had pass and the sun began to set throwing a slight chill to the summer air. Caroline set her food down on the dresser next to her bed and moved to open her window letting the cool air fill her window. She then walked over to her vanity and picked up a candle and a lighter, she lit the candle before walking back over to her window and putting it onto a window sill. She sighs and grabs her food before sitting down into her bed, grabbing the tv remote and flipping a show on. Ughh why is this day so beyond boringgg. She groans to herself.

She then thought for a moment. Maybe I could call that guy up, I mean he wasn't that bad looking and it couldn't hurt. She grabs her phone from her nightstand and grabs the paper with the guys number on it. She hesitated slightly before typing the number in a putting it to her ear. She thought it was going to stop ringing before someone answered until she heard a huff from the other side. Then after a thick accent. "Who exactly is this"?

Her eyes widened as she was met with the thick accent, this voice was not the voice she was expecting at all and it threw her off guard. She quickly hung up the phone not knowing what else to do. Did he really give me a fake number, how classy really. She sighed and decided she would sleep the rest of this day away. She got up from her bed closing her window and blowing the candle out. She changed into her favorite silk pajama set before she laid down, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

While she was sleeping she did not hear the many, many phone calls that she getting.

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