~Party For The Summer~

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Caroline answered with a smile on her face. Well, she was going to before her phone rang. She picked it up putting the phone up to her ear. "Hello, love".

"You know you are one impatient man, I was just about to answer you". His chuckle filled her ear. It made her smile. He had to be handsome, she had never seen him but she could just tell. Or maybe it was her serious lack of male company that made her think that, no way he was totally handsome she just knew it.

"You're learning things about me very quickly love, So how are you fairing"? She giggled herself. "I'm just fine and how are you fairing". She mocked in her best British accent. This caused Klaus to laugh loudly loving the way she wasn't afraid to mock him and joke with him. It was nice this Caroline knew him for who he was as a person, not an original vampire who was feared beyond measure.

"Well, I've been just fine love what has you busy today"? This made Caroline clap her hands together. "I'm planning a party!! It will be just what the start of this summer needs". Klaus smirked on the other side of the phone, he could practically hear the excitement oozing off her voice and it made him chuckle.

"You really do enjoy planning things don't you love"? This made her smile, he remembered all her previous yapping about the only fun thing she had to do in this town was planning things every now and again. "I do and I always throw epic parties"! He chuckles again. "Oh, I have no doubts about your planning abilities love trust me, where would this party of yours happen to be there can't be many places in that small town".

"Oh, the swimming hole! And before I hear any smart remarks I didn't name the place okay and there's nothing I can do about the name either"! Caroline stood from her bed, went to her vanity, and took out her notebook as she talked to Klaus, she still had lots to do and was writing it out step by step. "Don't worry love I've heard places with worse names, Hopefully, all your planning goes exactly how you wish, but I'm afraid my attention is being called once again, do tell me everything later".

And then there was silence as the phone call ended which left Caroline smiling for a second before she went back to her very intense party planning.

Caroline had all the plans ready she just needed to set it all up. First, she and Tyler met up at the Grill. He was helping her out since the others had their own things to do before the party. Caroline left her car parked in the grill's parking lot, and they decided to take Tyler's truck. They were now in Tyler's truck on their way to the swimming hole. Tyler let Caroline pick the music because something told him he would never hear the end of it if he put on something she didn't like.

Once they arrived they got the tables out of Tyler's truck and set them up. Next, Tyler got the alcohol his cousin had hooked him up with and spread it out while Caroline got the coolers of ice. More people began to show up with speakers and equipment and started to set it all up. After about an hour they had gotten everything set up and the part was in motion.

Caroline went around greeting different people and making small chit chat never really interested enough to stay around long. Then she saw Stefan and walked up to him, "You made it let's go get you a drink"! Stefan follows and accepts her drink before excusing himself to go find Elena. Caroline shrugged her shoulders and downs the rest of her cup. Elena had wandered off with Stefan and Bonnie had gone home early but was very nondescriptive on her reasoning. She danced for a few minutes but after a guy was trying to get too hands-on for her liking she bailed on the dancing.

She grabbed a couple more drinks and downed them as well, she was bored and her friends had all occupied themselves with something else. Then she suddenly bumped into a raven-haired man. "woah there blondie if you wanted to touch all you ask do was ask nicely". She rolled her eyes at the man she was drunk and so not in the mood for douchebags. She walks past him not giving him even so much as a glance but he grabs her wrist spinning her around. He glares into her eyes his pupils changing, "You're going to come with me and you're going to keep that mouth shut". She nodded following the raven-haired man into the woods.

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