{Kung Fu Panda TBM} Warming Up

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"ACHOOO!" Toxin sneezed as he and Viper slithered outside the Jade Palace.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Viper asked, a small giggle escaping her lips. Toxin wiped his nose and sniffed. "Define okay," he said with a smirk, causing Viper to chuckle.

"You should probably rest. I don't want to force you into-"

"It's fine, Viper, really. I am- ACHOO... argh... fine," he sniffed. "I just caught a, uh...little cold."

Viper chuckled again. "If you say so. But there is something I don't understand... why were you really out in the rain?"

Toxin froze, remembering what he had done before the rain started. "Uhhh, like I said... I went down to the village to clear my head."

Viper eyed him suspiciously. "Yeah, you did mention that... but you hate going down to the village."

"Well, uhhh, I feel much more comfortable going down there with those, uh, people, you know?" he smiled nervously. But Viper wasn't convinced as she looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Aha..." she then smirked. "Then I guess you won't mind going to Mr. Ping's restaurant?" she asked as they stopped in front of the long stairs, pointing down at the village. Toxin's facial expression was neutral as he processed what she was requesting. But then it hit him, and his eyes widened. She wanted to go down to the village with him.

"If you aren't afraid to go down to the village anymore, then this would be an easy task to do, wouldn't it?" she asked, still smirking. Toxin faked a smile before turning away from her, muttering to himself and hitting his forehead. "Toxin, you're an absolute dumbass!"

"What was that?" he quickly turned around to face her. "Yes- yes, yes, of course, I'd be delighted to!"

"Alright then," she said, glancing back at him as she slowly slithered down the stairs. Toxin stood there for a moment, then groaned at the sky. "I hate my life!"

"What did you say about hate?" Viper asked as she continued descending the stairs. "Uhh, veggie noodles! I hate veggie noodles!" he slowly followed her. "I mean, pfff, who would eat something so, uh...healthy...?"

Viper looked at him for a moment. "I would." He stayed silent. "Oh..."

Viper chuckled. "I'm kidding," she laughed a bit. "You should have seen your face."

"It's not funny," he said with a pouty face.

"A little bit."


"Come on, it was a little bit funny. Well, for me at least," she chuckled again.

"Shut up."

Time Skip

The two serpents finally arrived at the village, and Toxin sighed. "Do these stairs really need to be THAT long?" he exclaimed, to which Viper responded with a giggle. They both slithered their way through the village, and many of the villagers either ran away, looked at them weirdly, or whispered among themselves. Observing the villagers' reactions, Toxin groaned in pure annoyance. Viper noticed this and started talking to him.

"Just ignore them; they will eventually accept you," she reassured him.

"Pff, I've heard better lies," Toxin retorted.

"Hey," she said, looking at him. "They just don't know you well enough."

Toxin scoffed. "Yeah, well, no one here does."

After a moment of contemplation, Viper stopped in front of Mr. Ping's restaurant. She smiled, then turned back to Toxin.

"How about we try to get to know each other better?" she suggested, gesturing towards the restaurant. Toxin hesitated for a moment, then looked at her with annoyance and turned around, indicating he wanted to leave. "Count me out," he stated, but Viper grabbed his neck and began dragging him inside as he groaned in annoyance.

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