Breaking the spell

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Luz took some time thinking and getting ready for the upcoming event that was about to happen

Luz's POVs

I paced back and forth thinking to myself, it all made sense. All of this seemed right, I wanted to remember it really bad. I couldn't care any less for the pain it was gonna cause, in the end it'll all be worth it.

I now understand why I felt such a connection to amity, that's why I felt so familiar. I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking back I saw Eda.

"Hey kid" she said pausing

"I wanted to thank you, even tho you don't remember right now, but you saved my life. I owe you my life and I dedicated these last 4 years to find a spell for your curse. You were the light in my life, you've helped me so much kid just know that"  she said sniffling in tears

"For some reason Eda, I feel happy to see you. I missed you too mentor" I said confused at my words, it just felt right to say.

She smiled so brightly at my comment, giving me a big hug.

"I'm ready whenever you are kid so come see us downstairs when your ready"  she said leaving the room

As she left another figure appeared, it was amity. She ran up to me giving me a big hug followed by a pec on my cheek.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, I'm so happy that you'll finally remember" she said tears running down her face

"I feel I need to apologize for the way I've treated you the past 4 years I did.." I was cut off

"It's ok, I was the same to you when we first met in the boils isle" she said slightly giggling wiping the tears off her face while she remembered some good times.


The time came, I walked down the stairs with Amity following close behind me. I looked downstairs, seeing everyone waiting for me.

I was really nervous, I had a lump in my throat that I couldn't swallow. My heart beating faster than ever, Eda and Lilith looked at me nodding, we didn't need words to understand each other.

I followed they're instruction by standing in the middle of a circle that looked like a pentagram.

They started the spell

Surrounding me was a flash of red lights seeping through the lines of the pentagram, my breath became heavy and shorter as panic set in. Feeling like minutes are going by me so slow, I started to levitate 3 inches off the floor. Pain started to creep up on me, I felt like every vessel in my head was gonna burst. I soon lost my vision, once blurry memories were becoming clearer. Everything went dark after that....

Amity's POV

The spell had started, I anxiously waited for something to happen. Holding my chest my breaths were shallow, I was really nervous and scared for her. She soon started levitating, I gasped in shock as I was scared, she started screaming in pain. I couldn't bare to watch her in so much pain, I turned away holding onto Luz's mom arm. I could see the fear in her eyes, she was holding back tears just like me, everything went quiet as Luz fell to the floor.

No one moved for what felt like the longest time, I rushed over to the girl laying almost lifeless on the floor, memories coming back to me from the day of unity. It was almost as if it's happening again.

I broke down in tears calling out Luz's name.

"Luz ... Luz pls wake up, come back to me" as a hand reached out.

"It's ok amity this is to be expected, this was a very powerful seal. It might take her a few days to recover, and the fight has only begun." Lilith said in the nicest way possible

"What do you she going to be ok"

"We all hope so, now it's her turn to find herself and come back to us" Eda said not being sure of her own words

Hours went by, as I paced back and forth as I waited for Luz's awakening.

Luz's POV

Everything went dark, I was surrounded by water. I wasn't covered In water but my feet were, I could hear echoes of someone calling out.

Minutes went by as I looked around me, a figure appeared in front of me. It was me, I was younger though. It was me as a 14 year old girl, something wasn't right.

She was crying, soon turning into a cruel grin that became laughter. Scared I tried to run anywhere I could but I couldn't move, my body was stiff. I was forced to watch as the girl turned into a terrifying creature, it had horns and a golden mask. It kept laughing and laughing, I was going insane.

"If you think your worthy of your memories, defeat me if you can" it said dropping octaves

I thought to myself, this must be a test but I didn't know how I could defeat it. I was powerless standing in front of this menacing creature, it was mocking me. Anger boiled In my veins, trying to move slowly but surely towards the creature trying anything I could throw at him.

I felt a warm touch on my shoulder, I could feel someone beside me. I felt my strength coming back as I started to move faster out of the grasp of the thick air, looking at my hands as I felt objets appear in both hands.

Paper and a pen ? Huh

I couldn't quite understand what the meaning of this was, as I remembered something vital that I had forgotten. As I was getting stronger the monster became weaker, thus it meant my memories were coming back. I quickly drew a cercle on the paper, scribbling lignes inside proceeding by hitting it with the palm of my hand. Roots sprouted and Engulfed the creature that started running, intertwined it tried to wiggle out. I closed my palm squishing the creature into nothing, I felt the floor rumble.

Everything collapsed around me, I saw a scroll sitting at the other side of the realm. Running for it as I knew it was my memory's, in one last attempt I jumped as far as I could go grasping the scroll in my hands as hard as I could. Everything came back to me, as I slowly lost consciousness again.

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